Lesson 3 Abraham Ishmael and Kaaba


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Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 1

A Special Topic Course

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Understanding Islam:

For Such A Time As This

Lesson 3: Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba

Lesson 2 Review

• God’s word and the Qur’an

– False angels will proclaim a gospel that is not God’s.

– Condemnation for those who follow the false gospel

• What are we called to do?

– Witness about Jesus. Watch for God at work in Muslim’s lives

• The spectrum of Islam… not all Muslims are the same

– Secularist

– Modernist

– Traditionalist

– Fundamentalist

– Jihadist


>50% are Islamists who seek Sharia

law for all people

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba

Lesson 2 Review: The Quran and Jesus

• Jesus is referred to 97 times in the Qur'an

– Jesus is: Messiah, word of God, spirit of God, speech of truth

– He performed miracles, healed the sick, raised the dead

• The Qur'an teaches that Jesus was born of virgin Mary (Surah 3:42-49)

– She was pure and chosen above all women

– Jesus was Allah’s messenger to the children of Israel

• The Qur'an teaches that those who follow Jesus will be made dominant over

those who reject Him, until the day of Judgment. (Surah 3:55-57)

– Jesus has been given a special place with Allah in heaven

– Those who disbelieve in Jesus will be chastised severely in eternal torment.

• The Qur'an teaches that everyone will one day stand before God in judgment. (Surah 17:13-14)

• Islam teaches that Jesus will return during a period of global upheaval to

conquer the anti-Christ, then rule the world (Hadith: Sahih Muslim 2/58)


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba

Lesson 2 Review: The Layers of Islam




Secularist Islamist:

Emphasize the

implementation of Sharia

(Islamic law); of pan-

Islamic political unity,

including an Islamic state;

and of the selective

removal of non-Muslim,

particularly Western

military, economic,

political, social, or cultural

influences in the Muslim

world that they believe to

be incompatible with Islam.Source: Wikipedia

> 50%

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 5

Father Abraham – In the Bible

• Genesis 11:31– Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and

his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they came to Haran they settled there. Terah lived 205 years and he died in Haran.

• Genesis 12:1-5, also Chapters 12-14– The Lord said to Abram “Leave your country, your people and

your father’s household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation…” (Circa 2085 BC)

• From Haran, to Canaan. Built altar at Bethel. To Negev, then to Egypt during famine. Wife = sister, then expelled by Pharaoh.

• Back to Negev, then to Bethel. Lot and Abram split. Abram to Hebron, Lot takes Jordan valley and area of Sodom. Rescues Lot.

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 6

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba

Abraham Follows God’s Call


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba

Abraham’s Journey


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 9

God’s Covenant with Abraham

• Genesis 15

– ‘Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield and your very great

reward.’ But Abram said, “O Sovereign Lord, what can you give

me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my

estate is Eliezer of Damascus?’ And Abram said ‘You have

given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my


– ‘I am the Lord who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldean to give

you this land to take possession of it.’

– ‘Your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own,

and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years.’

– ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the rivers of Egypt to

the great river, the Euphrates.’

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 10

Hagar and Ishmael

• Genesis 16– “Go, sleep with my maidservant; perhaps I can build a family

through her.’

– ‘Sarai mistreated Hagar; so she fled from her. The angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert; it was the spring that is beside the road to Shur.’

– ‘Then the angel of the Lord told her ‘Go back to your mistress and submit to her.’ The angel added ‘I will so increase your descendants that they will be too numerous to count.’ The angel of the lord also said to her; ‘You are now with child and you will have a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your misery. He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.’

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 11

Hagar and Ishmael Sent Away

• Genesis 21

– ‘Sarah became pregnant and bore a son.’

– ‘Sarah saw that (Hagar) was mocking, and

she said to Abraham ‘Get rid of that slave

woman and her son.’

– ‘Abraham was distressed… but God said to

him… ‘I will make the son of the

maidservant into a nation also, because he

is your offspring.’

– ‘She went her way and

wandered in the desert

of Beersheba.’

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 12

God’s Promise to Hagar

• Genesis 21:15-21

– Out of water, Hagar starts to cry.

God hears her cry and visits her

with an angel.

– ‘Lift the boy up and take him by

the hand, for I will make him into a

great nation.’

– ‘God was with the boy as he grew

up. He lived in the desert and

became an archer. While he was

living in the desert of Paran, his

mother got him a wife from


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 13

Abraham Sacrifices Isaac

• Genesis 22

– ‘The God said, ‘Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you

love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a

burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.’

– ‘Do not lay a hand on the boy’…

and he saw a ram caught by its

horns. He went over and took the

ram and sacrificed it as a burnt

offering instead of his son.’

– ‘I will surely bless you and make

your descendants as numerous

as the stars in the sky and as the

sand on the seashore.’– Note: Mt. Moriah = Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 14

The Rest of the Story…

• Ishmael had 12 sons… including one named Kedar– Became 12 tribal chiefs (Genesis 25:13, I Chronicles 1:28-31)

– Settled everywhere from Havilah to Shur (Assyria to Egypt)

• The tribe of Kedar was a nomadic tribe that lived in a place called Meshech (east end Black Sea? Arabia?)– Psalm 120:5-6 “Woe to me that I dwell in Meshech, that I live

among the tents of the Kedar. Too long have I lived among those who hate peace. I am a man of peace; but when I speak, they are for war.”

– Isaiah 21:16-17 “… all the glory of the Kedar shall fail: And the residue of the number of archers… shall be diminished.”

• Ishmael had a daughter Mahalath who married Esau– Esau’s grandson = Amalek (father of Amalekites, battle of Exodus)

• Ishmael was with Isaac at the burial of Abraham

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 15

Islamic Tradition

• Ibrahim born in the house of an idolater, in the

kingdom of Babylon. He was repulsed by his

father’s work with idols.

• Mountaintop experience “Submit! Be a Muslim!”

• Attempted to convert his father, then left him.

Destroyed idols. Sentenced to death by fire.

Walked out unscathed, not a trace of smoke.

Debated Nimrod, king of Babylon.

• Sarah and Lot believed in Allah and followed him,

beginnng long travel and calling people to Allah.

• No children for Sarah. Moved to Egypt, given

servant Hajar, who gave birth to Ismail. Later,

Sarah bore Ishaq (Isaac).

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 16


• Ibrahim asked Hajar to prepare for a long

travel with her baby

• She and Abraham departed on a long walk

through the Arabian desert, to a high hill

named al-Marwa (near modern Meccca)

• Abraham left her with a bag of water and a

supply of dried fruit (dates)

• Hajar nursed the baby until all her food

was used up. Desperately thirsty, infant

crying, she ran to the nearest hill (al-Safa)

• Ran between hills 7 times until she again reached al-Marwa, exhausted.

• Saw angel Jibreel digging in the earth until water flowed. The holy water

of Zamzam sprang forth, near the old foundations of Adam’s shrine.

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 17

Ibrahim Returns to Makkah

• Many years later, Abraham returned to see his son. Hajar had died.

He found Ismail sitting under a tree near the spring of Zamzam,

sharpening his arrows.

• Ismail recognized his father and hugged him.

• Ibrahim had a dream of sacrificing his son and shared it with Ismail.

They departed for Mt. Arafat (12 miles southeast of Mecca)

– Surah 37:99-113

– At Mina, the devil tried to talk

Ibrahim out of the sacrifice. He

turned his back on devil.

– At Mt. Arafat, a sheep was sent

to him as an alternate sacrifice

• Ibrahim/Ismail called others to Allah

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 18

The Kaaba

• Allah ordered Muhammad to rebuild

a house of worship originally

established by Adam, but destroyed

in the flood

– Ismail helped his father rebuild the

“Kaaba” on Adam’s foundations

• When completed, the angel Jibreel

descended from heaven and gave

Ibrahim instructions for the “Hajj”

• Ibrahim stepped on a stone (Makam

Ibrahim) and called his people to


• Islamic scholars date construction

circa 2130 BC, about 1000 yrs

before Solomon’s temple

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba 19

The Black Stone of the Kaaba

The angel Jibreel

led Ibrahim to the

black stone on

nearby mountain.

A meteorite-like

stone worshipped

by early tribes

Today this is believed to

be the only remaining

stone fragment from the

Kaaba raised by Ibrahim.

Now in 7 fragments.

Broken in 930 AD.

Revered during

pilgrimage to the Kaaba

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba

The Center of Worship


The Kaaba is the focal point of Islamic worship, central to the Hajj and the

direction toward which all Muslims face during their daily prayers.

The Kaaba is the most sacred point within the most sacred mosque, located in

Mecca. The well of Zamzam is within the mosque. Mina (where Ibrahim turned

his back on devil), the twin hills, and Mt. Arafat are nearby

The Well at


Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba

History of the Kaaba



Video: Constructing the Kaaba

Understanding Islam: For Such A Time As This

Abraham, Ishmael, and the Kaaba

In the Next Lesson

• Lesson 4

– The origins of Muhammad

• Who was the man they call “The


– Revelations in the cave of Hira near


– Establishment of early Islam

– Peace in Medina, war in Mecca

– Origins of the Qur’an and the Hadith

• Watch the news

– Articles that relate back to The Prophet

and Islamic reverence for Muhammad

• Pray for wisdom and insight