Legends of chima final



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Chima is a land where animal tribes are fighting for Chi. Chi is an energy that gives life but can also

be deadly.

The animal tribes.

The Lion Tribe The Eagle Tribe

The Crocodile Tribe

The Rhino Tribe

The Bat Tribe The Scorpion Tribe

The Spider Tribe

The Fox Tribe

The Skunk Tribe

The Gorilla tribe

The Raven Tribe

The Wolf Tribe

animal tribes

The Lion tribe protected the pool of Chi, giving each tribe an equal share.

But the crocodile tribe became greedy and demanded more chi than anyone else. The

Lions said no so the crocodiles started a war.

Now all the tribes have taken sides and are fighting each other.

These are some of the vehicles used in Chima.

The Spider Stalker.

The Rock Flinger

The Speedorz
