Learning Sequences with Web2.0



Using web 2.0 tools provides excellent learning sequences for application across a range of curriculum areas.

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Sequence of Learning Using Online Tools.

ICT For Learning - Nightcliff Technology Precinct

IDEA Inquiry MethodIntroduce, Discover, Engage, Apply

Inquiry Method has been considered part of best practice for some time.

This version, IDEA, gets students/participants to the hands on stage quickly and encourages discussion.

‘Doing’ and talking about the activity maximises learning.

A simple way for students to demonstrate understanding using key words at the beginning of a sequence of learning and in the culminating stages.

Create your own word clouds at - http://www.wordle.net/

KWL Generator

- http://www.educationworld.com/tools_templates/kwl_nov2002.doc and link to - kwl_nov2002-download.doc fill in form , save to PC, print or email

- Engage students throughout the learning process

- Begin collecting electronic samples early

- Tailor teaching/learning according to student responses

You can then:- address questions and comments immediately- have students reply to each other- or address the questions when time permits- 140-character limit

A backchannel is a chat room where your students type their questions and comments whenever they have them.

- Create your own at - http://todaysmeet.com/- Contribute to ours at - http://todaysmeet.com/dhsPLDay

- Connect ideas and plan with a mind map.

- View the mind map as a diagram or an outline.

- Create a mind map or use a template

- RapidFire allows you to add ideas as you think of them and create links from a selected idea

- Use categories in the Symbol Libraries. - CTRL8 to hide or view Symbols- Make you own symbol libraries

Export. - File. Export. Choose from: - Word or OpenOffice- To PDF- To presentation slide show- To web site structure- Or as any image format

Transfer to Word

Record your screen with Community Clips.Create clips with voice and curser included in video screen capture.

Pin it to your toolbar

- Set a question for all students to respond to

- Ask for feedback on the introduction of a new

concept- Use as a collaborative tool to brainstorm

- How would you use wallwisher in your classes?

Go here to contribute to our ‘wallwisher’ wall - http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/dhsPLdayHow to use wallwisher - http://www.passyworld.com/passyPDFs/WallWisher.pdf



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