Learn with Fun - May


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Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?

There was a very wealthy man who was bothered by severe eye pain. He

consulted many physicians and was being treated by several. He did not stop consulting a galaxy of medical experts; he consumed heavy loads of drugs and underwent hundreds of injections. But the ache persisted with more vigour than before.

At last, a monk who was supposed to be an expert in treating such patients

was called for by the suffering man. The monk understood his problem and said that for some time he should concentrate only on green colours and not to let his eyes fall on any other colours. It was a strange prescription, but he

was desperate and decided to try it.

The millionaire got together a group of painters and purchased barrels of green

paint and directed that every object his eye was likely to fall to be painted green just as the monk had directed. When the monk came to visit him after few days, the millionaire’s servants ran with buckets of green paint and poured it on him since he was in red dress, lest their master see any other Colour and his eye ache would come back.

Hearing this, the monk laughed and said “If only you had purchased

a pair of green spectacles, worth

just a few dollars, you could have saved these walls and trees and pots and all other articles and also could have saved a large share of his fortune. You cannot paint the world green.”

Let us change our vision and the world will appear accordingly. It is foolish

to shape the world, let us shape ourselves first.

Changing Our Vision

One of the most over hyped words in today’s busy world is maturity. Though

maturity has its significance but it has its limitation too. No doubt it gives us many things but it takes away more than that.

To me maturity is sometimes interesting and most of the time it is insipid. I find maturity interesting because maturity has logic for each and everything whereas life itself is not logical. Life is highly uncertain and unpredictable.

Maturity focuses on understanding the life which is a never ending journey. Because you keep on understanding life till death bed

and the saddest part is yet you fail to completely understand it.

Most of the time I find that maturity is insipid; yes it is bland because it kills the child within. It suppresses the innocence and foolishness in us. It prevents us from enjoying the inexpensive and easily available things like sudden rain, chirpy butterfly, sun-kissed mountains, rhythmic waves in the sea etc.

No doubt we can understand life with maturity; we can try to lead a perfect life with maturity. But we can celebrate life only as a child, we can cry freely only as a child, we can laugh uncontrollably

only as a child. Life is all about celebration, hearty laughter and honest tears. When we live life with curiosity, innocence and little bit of ignorance; life becomes wonderful.

So don’t shed your maturity but keep the child in you alive. Give a break to your ‘maturity’ and welcome the abundance of joy in life.

Give a Break to Your ‘Maturity’ — Tapas Dasmohapatra


The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it.

Kick Yourself Before Somebody Else Kicks You

We all can learn a wonderful lesson from the birth of baby

giraffe. The baby falls from its mother’s womb, some eight feet above the ground. It shrivels up and lies still, too weak to move. The mother giraffe after lovingly caressing the baby kicks it up in the air. The baby giraffe tumbles down on the ground and is being kicked again and again. After some kicking the baby giraffe, still trembling and tired, pushes its limbs and, for the first

time, learns to stand on its feet.

Now the mother giraffe comes and kicks it one more time, the baby

giraffe falls down but this time quickly stands up. There you go. Now the mother giraffe feels relieved as the baby has learnt the most important lesson of survival. When you fall down, quickly get up again. This is how this baby giraffe will be able to survive against lions, tigers and leopards.

So kicking is important. The choice is, do we wait the situation, bosses or

competitors to kick us or do we

kick ourselves every morning out of our comfort zone and become better. When life results kick you, don’t stand down, stand up. Don’t give up, get up!

We all are so used to these words ‘terms and conditions apply’

that nowadays we really just ig-nore the important part of read-ing it and just accepting that ob-viously there will be some terms and conditions. But here I am talking about the conditions we have started putting on relation-ships. Just like we have accepted the fact that there will be condi-tions on anything we buy from market, we also have started ac-cepting that any kind of condi-tions also apply on relationships.

And forget uncle, aunts and cous-ins but even parent child relation-ship also comes with ‘terms and conditions apply’; be it child’s studies, job, marriage or parents’

health and so on. Though obvi-ously not each and everybody falls in this ‘The Conditions Ap-ply Category’ but yes, most of us do. It seems like we have become so used to ‘It’s a give and take pol-icy’ that now we hardly care about the strings attached with people around us; all we care about the work done, the thing bought.

Just give it a thought, we all have seen parents pushing their child to study hard, join a par-ticular course, get a particular job, marry a particular girl, have these number of kids and what not, all this because they want to raise the kid in the way every-body around them is raising their kids or ‘that’s what’s best for them’. And it’s not just parents,

but children also take care of par-ents in old age for money, prop-erty and even so that they are able to baby sit their grandchildren.

Can we not just give it a break and do all of these things be-cause we genuinely care for our people; because we love them unconditionally. We seriously have to take out some part of our lives where ‘No Conditions Ap-ply’, else we could even end up buying relationships in future.

Excerpts from Suresh Semwal’s Book - ‘Selling Simplified’

Conditions Apply - Kamna Chauhan


There is nothing lost or wasted in this life.

The WriterIndividuality !!

The famous author attended a party in her honour after her successful book made

it to the bestsellers lists. A jealous film actress struck up a conversa-tion with the author. “I enjoyed your book very much. Who wrote it for you?” She asked sarcasti-cally.

“Oh, I’m glad you liked my book,” the author replied. “May I ask who read the book to your?”

Moral: When we utter sarcastic words out of jealously, we may get a

‘dose of our own bitter medicine.’

Never stop doing little things for others because sometimes these little

things occupy the biggest part in their hearts, but what if the same is not reciprocated you. What others do is not my business, but what people do to me, may be again not my business but yes it does effects. We often say that “I just do my part and don’t expect anything from others”, I just don’t expect that they should to do the same to me but when certain ges-ture or action did not come back the way we did, it hurts and we feel bad. We sometimes also feel like I am being taken as granted. If we can be little honest to our-selves, somewhere yes we have little expectations but we resist accepting the same. When things in life go smooth and in air, we do a lot for others, and keep say-ing that “Lets enjoy the present,

who knows and can predict fu-ture??” Slowly and gradually we get “used to” to it and want to feel the same throughout the life. Very silently our life crosses three stag-es – from “used to” to “expecta-tion” to “hope”. The equation of life unknowingly and secretly changes this way and when the same things cannot be continued, it hurts then. We somehow want to be in the same aura, want to feel the same freshness in the air. The very beautiful truth of life is – “Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do much for them”. Live your life doing what feels right to you, not what someone else thinks you should do. It’s ok to listen to advice, but in the end, make the decision that’s feels best for you. Being a people pleasure is a very frustrating way to live. Get in the habit of pleasing your-

self too. You are responsible for your own happiness. Your feel-ings are important. Our self re-spect tracks your choices. Every time we act in harmony with our authentic self and our heart, we earn our respect. It is that sim-ple. Every choice matters. When someone treats you like an option, help them narrow their choices by removing yourself from the equa-tion. Simply, you can be an option to someone only when you allow them to treat you like one, so be cautious.

Choices - Alisha JainDon’t Miss ‘I’ in ‘US’ - Mahak Vaish

The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice.


Be The Change !!

We make choices each single day and making a ‘choice’, a RIGHT

CHOICE is one of the serious business for every Individual whether it is for own self or help-ing our loved ones to make a CHOICE. This concern sometime creates one of the biggest turmoil or friction between their relation-ships whether it is between Hus-band and Wife, Parent and Child or any other. Everybody wants to help their loved ones to make correct choices so that they won’t repeat the same mistakes as they did in their lives. Basically in try-ing to help their loved ones, they actually steal their ability to make the choices for themselves. They try to control their actions and wants them to act as they want

it which will help them to avoid facing those problems. Then the problem arises of “Imposition” in their relationship and further they wonder why their loved ones start resisting and felt uncomfortable with their control. This scene is very much evident in a parent - child relationship that they want to control the life of their kids, so that they won’t commit the same mis-takes which they did in their past.

Making Choices is the process of actual learn-ing which comes only

by self-experience which adds the value to our life. Listening to well-wishers is off course im-portant because they are advising through their experiences which you can analyze and can check

what are you doing and how are you making a choice. Secondly, the only way to deal with any choice - is to accept it. Now, there is no point in regretting as choice has been made. What we can do is to learn a lesson from it and chan-nelize our energy in dealing with the consequences effectively.

Bitterness of one slice of bread may or may not give the same taste to two different people.

Choices - Alisha Jain

The wise should not unsettle the mind of the ignorant who is attached to the fruits of work.