Latin Words Group #7 Mrs. Emeterio's English 11 (McGuffey High School)


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An object,

such as a

skull, intended

to remind us

that death will

come to us all.

1. Momento mori

2. Non compos mentis(comp-us)

Out of one’s mind.

3. Non sequitur

We were talking about the new restaurant

when she threw in some non sequitur about

her cat.

A statement

that does

not logically

follow what

was said


4. Nota bene: n.b.(Nota beanie)

Used to call attention to

something important.

5. Pater familias

Man who is the head

of the family.

6. Pax vobiscum

Peace be with you.

7. Per annum


9. Persona non grata(grata rhymes with that)

Unwelcome/unacceptable person.

10. Post meridiem: p.m.

Noon until midnight.
