Kpt 6044_Tugasan 4


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1. Define cyberlearning and provide an example of a classroom application.

•Cyberlearning is the use of Web 2.0 networked computing and communication technologies to support learning. •With Web 2.0 resources students can connect to share ideas, engage in inquiry, and search for additional information. •Students can engage in critical thinking and problem solving through collaborating and communicating with others and by using curiosity and imagination to explore new ideas.

2. Describe cyberlearning literacy and discuss how it may be used in the classroom.

•The ability to connect with technology tools beyond normal classroom settings depends on cyberlearning literacy, which is the knowledge and skills needed for successful use of Web 2.0 tools. • Informal learning gives student opportunities to learn from experiences outside of the classroom setting.

•Student can surf, or explore websites on the Internet and find information that may be important for their formal classroom study. •Students learn how to seek information informally and will challenge themselves to learn about topics that might not be part of their in-class study because they find value in that type of experience.

3. Identify three Web 2.0 resources and demonstrate an example of how they might assist learning.

•3.1) Online Audio and Video•can create recordings of class lectures to provide as podcast that students can access to review materials as a study guide. •podcast could be a prerecorded lecture for required listening prior to class, so that actual class time is focused on activity-based types of learning experience rather than listening to lectures. • learners can listen to actual broadcasts relating to events or concepts they are studying in class.

•A vidcast allows students to see, as well as hear, the information being presented.•Vidcasts provide students with demonstrating that can help them with independents work outside the classroom setting.

•3.2) Collaboration Website•3.2.1) Blogs•Blogs can contain text, visuals and link to websites, allow learners to share information with each other and with the teacher.•The structure of a blog is arranged so the most recent posting is first, allowing easy access to the most recent comments. •When teaching student writing skills, a blog is a great way to offer them an audience to comment on their ideas or their writing.

•3.2.2) Wikis•A wiki is a webpage that permits users to interact with a document that others have written or edited. •The content can be updated or changed by user to keep it current, unlike a large printed encyclopedia that is updated only every 10 years. •Wikis are a good tool for student working on collaborative writing projects. Students can access a Wiki using any computer and any web browser. •Students do not need to be in the same location, but can work together while other is somewhere else.

•3.2.3) Social Networking•Social networking sites are open to anyone who wishes to create a page about them and share that information with others.•Encouraging brief communication when exchanging information.•Some education sites are starting to mirror social networking resources but are restricted to classroom use only as a means of better ensuring a safe environment student.

•3.2.4) Data Mashups•Website that bring together content from a variety of resources. It also creates sites that are new and different from the original sources. •The combination of text, video, audio and real-time information to be used in report or part of classroom activities.

•3.3) Mobile Broadband•Cell phone nowadays have multifunction application such as take photos and short video, access the internet for email and web surfing and provide calendars and other personal management tools. •Examples include field-based learning experience where students can take photos of events or phenomena and uploaded the images to the classroom website and write a blog entry about their observation.

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