Kootenay Columbia - reading & writing with skill & passion


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Reading and Writing with Skill and Passion – grades 2-5

SD  20  October  22,  2013  (1st  of  3)  

Faye  Brownlie  www.slideshare.net  

Learning Intentions •  I  can  find  evidence  of  current  reading  research  in  my  pracFce  

•  I  have  a  plan  to  incorporate  a  pracFce  that  is  different  to  me  

•  I  am  leaving  with  a  quesFon  

•  What would happen if…

•  Belief •  Practice

We CAN teach all our kids to read.

•  Struggling  readers  need  to  read  MORE  than  non-­‐struggling  readers  to  close  the  gap.  

•  Struggling  readers  need  to  form  a  mental  model  of  what  readers  do  when  reading.  

•  Struggling  readers  need  to  read  for  meaning  and  joy    

•  Struggling  readers  do  NOT  need  worksheets,  scripted  programs,  or  more  skills  pracFce.  

We  now  have  good  evidence  that  virtually  every  child  who  enters  an  American  kindergarten  can  be  reading  on  level  by  the  end  of  first  grade  (Mathes,  et  al,  2004;  Phillips  &  Smith,  2010;  VelluFno,  et  al,  1996).    

-­‐Richard  Allington,  keynote  address,  IRA,  2011  

98% on grade level at year end:  Mathes,  et  al  (2004);  VelluFno,  et  al  (1996);  

Phillips,  et  al  (1998)  

•  Every  successful  intervenFon  study  used  either  1-­‐1  expert  tutoring  or  1-­‐3  very  small  group  expert  reading  instrucFon.    

•  None  of  the  studies  used  a  scripted  reading  program.    

•  All  had  students  engaged  in  reading  2/3  of  the  lesson.    

-­‐grades  1  and  2  –  60  minutes  reading,  30  minutes  on  skill  

-­‐aim  for  your  kids  to  read  6  books  in  school  and  6  more  a^er  school  

High Success Reading •  99%  accuracy  •  Reading  in  phrases  •  90%  comprehension  

The  struggling  reader,  no  ma`er  what  grade  the  child  is  in,  has  not  built  an  efficient  reading  process  system  to  make  meaning  from  texts  or  help  him  or  her  solve  problems  when  stuck…  

For  teachers,  that  means  learning  how  to  teach  in  support  of  the  child  as  he  or  she  gains  more  control  of  strategic  acFons.            -­‐Johnson  &  Keier  

Our key questions:

Did  that  make  sense?  

Our key questions:  

How  did  you  figure  that  out?  

M  –  meaning  

Does  this  make  sense?  

S  –  language  structure  Does  this  sound  right?  

V  –  visual  informaFon  Does  this  look  right?  

The  best  way  to  develop  phonemic  segmentaFon  is  through  invented  spelling;  children  with  pens  and  pencils,  drawing  and  wriFng.  

 -­‐Marilyn  Adams,  1990  

-­‐about  20%  of  children  do  not  develop  phonemic  segmentaFon  readily  

•  K/1  –    spend  a  maximum  of  10  minutes/day  on  phonics  –  small  impact  on  phonic  knowledge;  no  difference  on  comprehension  

•  Beyond  grade  1  –  no  staFsFcal  difference  for  any  phonics    

•  NaFonal  Reading  Panel  

“Every  Child,  Every  Day”  –  Richard  Allington  and  Rachael  Gabriel  

In  EducaFonal  Leadership,  March  2012  

6  elements  of  instrucFon  for  ALL  students!  

1.    Every  child  reads  something  he  or  she  chooses.  

CR4YR Results 2012-13 •  The  struggling  readers  who  were  given  MORE  choice  tended  to  close  the  gap  more.  

•  The  more  readers  struggled,  the  less  choice  they  received.    Those  who  made  the  least  progress  had  the  LEAST  choice.  

•  Readers  who  are  NOT  struggling  tend  to  have  choice.  

2.  Every  child  reads  accurately.  

-­‐intensity  and  volume  count!  

-­‐98%  accuracy  

-­‐less  than  90%  accuracy,  doesn’t  improve  reading  at  all  

Building Independence •  Build  criteria  with  your  students  – What  do  good  readers  do?    

•  NoFce  when  the  students  are  using  the  co-­‐created  criteria  

•  Ask  the  students  “What  should  I  noFce  about  what  you  are  doing  when  you  are  reading?”  

•  Read  something  he  chooses  •  Talks  to  a  peer  about  his  reading  

Strategy Cards – Catching Readers Before They Fall (Johnson & Keier)

3.  Every  child  reads  something  he  or  she  understands.      -­‐at  least  2/3  of  Fme  spent  reading  and  rereading  NOT  doing  isolated  skill  pracFce  or  worksheets      -­‐build  background  knowledge  before  entering  the  text      -­‐read  with  quesFons  in  mind        

Shared Reading Lesson

Picture Book Strategy Lesson

Gr 3 Joni Cunningham, Richmond

•  Building  vocabulary  from  pictures  •  Establishing  ficFon/non-­‐ficFon  •  PredicFng    •  Directed  drawing  •  WriFng  to  retell  and  connect  

The Swaps Who   Give  away   Want  

scarecrow   hat   walking  sFck  

badger   walking  sFck   ribbon  


Gr 4/5 •  QuesFoning  from  pictures  •  Sort  and  predict  

•  Quadrants  of  a  thought  

•  Concept  map  

4.  Every  child  writes  about  something  personally  meaningful.    -­‐connected  to  text    -­‐connected  to  themselves    -­‐real  purpose,  real  audience  

5.    Every  child  talks  with  peers  about  reading  and  wriFng.  

•  2  post-­‐it  notes  each  •  Read  to  find  something    – New  to  you  –  InteresFng  – That  you  liked  – That  you  wonder  about  

•  Place  your  post-­‐it  notes  on  your  ‘talking  points’  and  find  a  partner  

6.  Every  child  listens  to  a  fluent  adult  read  aloud.  

   -­‐different  kinds  of  text  

   -­‐with  some  commentary  

To do… •  Try  something  from  today  •  Scan  Catching  Readers  before  They  Fall  and  Comprehension  ConnecFons  

•  Try  something  from  ONE  of  these  books  before  January  

•  Come  prepared  to  share  what  you  did  differently  and  how  it  worked  
