Knowledge, skills and reskilling – where does the MSc fit in?



Presentation from Judith Stewart Associate Lecturer, UWE. Aliss One Day Summer Conference 2014: Developing Staff: Innovation and Creativity

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UWE Bristol

Knowledge, skills and reskilling – where does the MSc fit in?

Judith Stewart

Associate Lecturer, UWE.

Aliss One Day Summer Conference 2014: Developing Staff: Innovation and Creativity

The next 45 minutesWhy we need to consider this?

What questions does it raise?

What skills will you need in the future?

How do you make your MSc fit what you predict you will need or want?

The knowledge and skills debate

Education - or training?Subject knowledge

Professional skills

Personal or key or transferable skills

What knowledge and skills will you need?

How does the (UWE) MSc fit in?

CILIP PKSBApril 2014

What do employers want?

• Practitioner input

• Good relations with employers– Project management– Bid writing for funds– Knowledge management– Records management, legislation,


What do employers want?

• Advocacy

• Partnership working

• Digital literacy

• Research support and data management

• Library environment – physical and digital

• Flexibility

Which job?

• Data curator• Academic support librarian• Research data support manager• Technical sales manager for an energy company• Senior public affairs advisor – water company• Web/database developer• Information analyst in public health

We are all in this together

The process of developing innovative, visionary and successful library and information professionals is not the sole responsibility of the LIS educator but must be viewed as a career long process that involves the individual, universities, training providers, employers and professional associations.Hallam (2007) Education for library and information service. IN S. Ferguson, ed. Libraries in the Twenty-First Century: Charting New Directions in Information Services. Wagga Wagga. Charles Sturt University.
