Kindergarten portfolio



Sample Kindergarten Electronic Portfolio

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Kindergarten 2013/14 Portfolio of:

Joseph Price

Hugs & Hopes


-  Can identify 25/26 uppercase and lowercase letters! Great job!

-  Can count to 100 +

-  Great helper within the classroom

-  Plays well with other students


-  Work on memorizing birthday and address

-  Work on raising hand with ideas instead of shouting out answers

-  Begin learning letter sounds

Personal Knowledge Development

I know my:

�  First and last name

�  Address (I know my the house number and am still learning my street name)

�  Telephone number

I am still learning my birthday

Click here to listen

Here are some of the things I like and dislike in Kindergarten:

I can print my name using upper and lowercase letters

I can draw a person and include lots of detail and many body parts.

Self portrait: September 2013 Family: October 2013

Letter recognition

I can identify 25/26 capital letters and 25/26 lowercase letters! (click on the picture to watch the video)

Number recognition

I can identify all my numbers from 0-10! (click on the picture to watch the video)

Counting I can count from 1- 120!

Click here to listen:

I can follow directions

Here is an example of how I can colour in the lines and cut with


Language and Communication: use picture cues to tell a story in proper sequence with minimal prompting

Click here to listen to my story:

Math concepts: Creating a pattern

I can create a repeating pattern. Here is a sample I created November 2013.

Math concepts: Sorting and classifying

I can sort objects and explain my sorting rule (click on the picture to watch the video)

Language and Communication: Show and Share

Click here to listen to an example of my show and share from November 12, 2013:

Physical Development

Here are some videos (click on each picture) that show my gross motor development. I can balance on one foot for 10 seconds and skip.

Here are examples of some of the activities I have done

in class

CRK.4 Comprehend, retell, and respond to basic ideas in stories, poems, songs, and informational texts read to them.

After reading the story “There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves” Joseph and his group members put the objects in the order they were “swallowed” in the story.

INK.1 Demonstrate an understanding of similarities and differences among individuals in the classroom.

�  Students discussed similarities and differences and were asked to give one example of a difference between themselves and a partner and one similarity.

Listen to the examples I gave by clicking here

Jospeh works in a group to match capital letters with corresponding lower case letters and puts them in alphabetical order
