Keynote presentation - Supporting Large-Scale Mahara Adoption (MahDE14)



Slides from my talk at the Mahara Barcamp in Karlsruhe, Germany. See the video:

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Sam Taylor – Learning Technologist


Southampton Solent University

Faculty of Business, Sport & Enterprise

Faculty of Creative Industries

Faculty of Maritime & Technology

Mahara users since 2009

Adopted to support staff and student personal development

Mainly used for assessments

Not a ‘Techie’!

Background in Dance & Performing Arts

Dance Science Major

College lecturer

Researcher into Widening Participation

Example portfolios

1hr online induction activity

Help site full of ‘how to’ videos

Template construction

Assessment guidance for students

Activities built into Moodle course pages

Moodle staff community page

Dummy/mocked-up pages

Image by Joe Robertson from Austin, Texas, USA. (holding hands.) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Replace image

Replace text

Induction activity

Template to

copy from

course group

Moodle page

Links to help

Moodle page‘How to’ videos

Health & Social Care

Social Work


Business Management


PR & Communication

Technology Foundation Year

Architectural Technology

Shipping Operations


Teaching & Learning

Fashion Marketing

Language Foundation Year

Recording of weekly thoughts

Capturing evidence of learning new skills

Page is shared with tutors

Either submitted to course group for feedback

Secret link for tutors to ‘bookmark’

See Solent’s guide to reflective writing

Collection of documents

Planning, logging and evidencing personal development

‘It’s all about me!’

Demonstration of acquired skills


Presentation of knowledge acquired through research

Feedback, statistics, recommendations and outcomes

Mainly for marketing & project planning

Whole portfolio is assessed


Fixed criteria for which evidence must be supplied

Mainly Professional courses with mature/part time learners

Reflective statements to accompany evidence

Whole portfolio is assessed


1. Inspire your students with great tech stories Hole in the wall – Sugata Mitra

One laptop per child

The Future is Ours:

2. Create great example/template portfolios

3. Showcase previous student portfolios

4. Involve volunteer peer mentors

Feedback on being a ‘Peer Leader’:

“I think it has been useful for the students having

two extra people to help them in class that have

done the assignment and carried out amazing

work placements themselves as we can relate

to what they are going through.

It has also made me feel really good that I can

help, and I like sharing my experiences with


I have also encouraged them to do as many work

placements for long periods as I think it has been

so beneficial to myself, and hearing that from a

student opposed to a lecturer is really

important too I feel.”

Chloe Seaforth3rd yr Student

BA(Hons) PR


Feedback on having ‘Peer Leaders’:

“For me I find them extremely useful, mainly

because they have had to work with the

software directly whereas Sally hasn't had a

lot of experience with it; so it's great to talk to

fellow students on how to use it.

It's also great to have them talk to us about the

layout and creativity side; they've been able to

give us advice, and show us examples of

their work.

We wouldn’t have been able to get the hang of

Mahara quite as well as we have without

the support of the peer leaders.”

Paige Hiley2nd yr Student

BA(Hons) PR


Sam Taylor

Learning Technologist

Southampton Solent University
