Keynote Diane Adams-‘Extraordinize’ Your Professional and Personal Life:



We all strive to be extraordinary, personally and professionally. And, it's up to each of us to define our own success. Diane Adams leads an insightful, thought-provoking and fun session sharing success strategies for "Living an Extraordinary...Yet Ordinary...Life." She shares her personal stories and learnings from her life's journey, as well as her observations of those she admires the most. This keynote session features her goals for you to reflect and identify those few things you can do differently or strengthen, to make you even better and more successful than you are today. To make the most of this session, give some thought to which factors contribute to your success and identify one or two areas that you would like to refine.

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  • 1.UNWRITTEN I am unwritten Cant read my mind Im undefined Im just beginning The pens in my hand Ending unplanned

2. Diane Adams Chief People Officer Qlik Training Industry Conference & Expo (TICE) May 19, 2014 Extraordinize your Life and Career 3. Living an Extraordinary . . . Yet Ordinary . . . Life 4. BE INTENTIONAL Intellectual Emotional Physical Spiritual 5. Be Yourself . . . Be True to Yourself . . . Believe in Yourself 6. Be Positive and Keep Perspective 7. Embrace Change and Take Risks 8. Trust Your Intuition 9. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE 10. Lead with Integrity 11. Give Back 12. EMBRACE THE MOMENT 13. THINK BIG AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE 14. LIVE AN ORDINARY LIFE . . . TO BE EXTRAORDINARY 15. Have Fun! 16. Define your success . . . Be Intentional . . .Extraordinize. 17. What 3 WINS Can You Make Happen Now? 18. Strategies for Living an Extraordinary Life 1. Be Intentional - Intellectual, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual 2. Be Yourself . . . Be True to Yourself . . . Believe in Yourself 3. Be Positive and Keep Perspective 4. Embrace Change and Take Risks 5. Trust your Intuition 6. Surround yourself with Extraordinary People 7. Lead with Integrity 8. Give Back 9. Embrace the Moment 10. Think Big and Make a Difference 11. Live an Ordinary Life . . . to be Extraordinary 12. Have Fun! 19. Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten
