Kazuo Ishiguro's "The remains of the day"




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ABOUT KAZUO ISHIGUROThe novelist Kazuo Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki, Japan, but with six years he emigrated with his family to England. His parents planned to return to their country, but for many reasons were staying, and Kazuo grew on the influence of two cultures. In his teenage, he planed to be a musician, performing in various clubs and sending recordings to several publishers. Being rejected by them, and not having a future with music, decides to devote himself to writing. He studied at the universities of Kent and East Anglia, in the course of 'creative writing' that the writer Malcolm Bradbury established and which he was still a professor. Ishiguro is defined as a writer who wants to write international novels.Allison Gomes

Daniel GouveiaLuan Pereira

Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day

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Before writing his acclaimed novels, Ishiguro has published several short stories and articles in magazines, in the 1980s.His work has been translated into over 28 countries.Ishiguro's third novel, The Remains of the Day (1989), is set in post-war England, and tells the story of an elderly English butler confronting disillusionment as he recalls a life spent in service, memories viewed against a backdrop of war and the rise of Fascism. It was awarded the Booker Prize for Fiction, and was subsequently made into an award-winning film starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson.

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Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day

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PLOT SUMMARY1958: James Stevens (Mr. Stevens) begins a long journey to return to Darlington Hall;Several instances when working on the place, ranging from nightmares and wonders;His Father (William Stevens): Dedicated, cult, died of infarct;Miss. Kenton: Mr. Stevens confidence woman;

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Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day

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Miss. Kenton and Mr. Stevens: unrequited love?;Miss. Kenton’s marriadge;Mr. Stevens dream: To serve until the end of his lifeDarlington Hall: Back to the beginning

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Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day

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CHARACTERSMr. StevensAt the beginning of the novel, he is hopeful and anticipatory of a new adventure - one that he hopes will bring him personal fulfillment. By the end, he finds his dream quashed, and limps back to his old life to bear out the “remains of his day”.Indeed, Mr. Stevens is so self-aware and clear about his own shortcomings and mistakes that we fully trust his rendition of events. At the same time, we're also clearly aware of Mr. Stevens' shortcomings in self-analysis. He is terribly blind to his own repression and inability to let go of work and pursue his own human desire. As the novel progresses, he becomes a prisoner of his own fear, ultimately destroying his chance for true love. By the time he finally comes to terms with his own weaknesses, it is, in fact, far too late.

Miss. KentonMiss Kenton is Mr. Stevens' object of desire, despite his inability to truly confess it. As a result, Miss. Kenton ends up marrying a man that she does not even love, it seems. The pivotal moment of her own personal journey comes when she tells Mr. Stevens of her engagement, hoping it seems that he might stop her. He doesn't, and as a result, twenty years later, when he arrives at her door, it's too late. She's already committed to a loveless marriage.

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Lord DarlingtonStevens' and Miss Kenton's employer in the years leading up to WOrld War II. Appears to be a German-sympathizer - specifically a Hitler sympathizer, as he seeks to keep Germany from falling apart in the wake of the Treaty of Versailles.Considered honorable by Stevens and a man worthy of deep respect.William StevensMr. William Stevens works at Darlington Hall with his son (Mr. Stevens) and Miss. Kenton up until his death. He is even more dutiful and devoted to his profession than Mr. Stevens. Indeed, Mr. Stevens refers to him as a great butler because of his prodigious skill and commitment. But his relationship with his son suffers greatly because of this devout dedication to work.

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Mr. FarradayMr. Farraday is an American aristocrat who takes over from Lord Darlington upon his death, and thus becomes Stevens' employer. Compared to Lord Darlington, Mr. Farraday is nowhere near as formal - and teases Stevens at his inability to be more casual and relaxed.Sir Reginald CardinaldReginald Cardinal is quite different from his father in that he is anti-fascist and anti-Nazi. Indeed, Sir Cardinal tells Stevens that Lord Darlington is being unduly influenced by his father to take pro-German action and ultimately help prop up the Nazis.

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1923: convention at Lord Darlington's house to potentially effect a renegotiation of the Treaty of Versailles;First-Person Narration - Mr. Stevens: the entire book is his account of the past and present, which gives the reader a distinct impression of his character.

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Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day

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THEMES IN THE NOVELDUTYDuty and dedication are at the heart of the novel. Stevens has lived his life in pursuit of perfect dutifulness. He has willingly made every personal sacrifice along the way, and when he realizes what he has given up in life, it is too late. He cannot reconnect with his family members because they are all dead, he cannot choose a different vocation, and he cannot marry and enjoy romantic love. As he made these sacrifices, he did so gladly, because he felt that the best way to be of service in the world was to serve a great gentleman;

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Stevens deceived himself into believing he was living honorably. Sadly, he allowed himself to be so blinded by duty that he ignored his own judgment and needs;Stevens chose to keep performing his duties without hesitation when his father died;The theme of duty is related to patriotism, because both come from dedication to a larger entity. Stevens is deeply patriotic and loves his native England.

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DESIREInvolves the conflict between Stevens' duties and his personal desires which in his mind are in profound conflict;He was deeply in love with Miss Kenton, but didn’t express it;Stevens always believed that a dignified butler never let the professionalism go off no matter the circumstances;Stevens is so determined to hold onto his dignity that he creates a straight jacket for himself that prevents him from feeling emotions or even recognizing them.

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DIGNITY VS. AUTHENTICITYAccording to Stevens, a butler has dignity if he is able to maintain his professionalism no matter what the circumstances;Dignity is holding on to one's duty no matter what's happening around you;A person who represses his own feelings and opinions in the name of professionalism would be considered "undignified";Stevens follows his own definition, but suffers the consequences; he loses his dignity by recognizing his feelings and discovering that he indeed had followed the wrong definition all along.

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SEXUAL DESIRE VS. SEXUAL REPRESSIONStevens cannot separate his human desire from work and cannot find any other way of framing his own identity or sexuality without contextualizing it in work;Miss Kenton has managed to find a balance between her duties and her own human qualities - specifically her ability to temper human sexual desire with her ability to remain a professional.

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FORMAL VS. INFORMAL RELATIONSHIPSIn the course of the novel, different social interactions - many of which demand formal interaction and others which can subsist on more casual engagement;Stevens is extremely fastidious about the formality of his interactions;Stevens, upon leaving Darilngton Hall, suddenly realizes that there is a world outside rigid formality.

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http://anonymouser.webs.com/The_Remains_of_The_Day_eNotes.pdf (reviewed, adapted and accessed in 07/05/2012)

http://www.bookrags.com/The_Remains_of_the_Day (reviewed, adapted and accessed in 07/05/2012)

http://www.enotes.com/remains-day (reviewed, adapted and accessed in 07/05/2012)

http://www.gradesaver.com/the-remains-of-the-day/study-guide/ (reviewed, adapted and accessed in 07/05/2012)

http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/remains/ (reviewed, adapted and accessed in 07/05/2012)

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Allison GomesDaniel GouveiaLuan Pereira

Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day
