Kalarava 2014


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Engineering Story By Vinutha Srikanth

AssignmentsBy Deekshith PB

Vol 1, April 2014

“There is no magic, but logic!”Exclusive Interviews with Abhishek Kagganti, Srininvas Kulkarni & Krishna Prasad


Editorial – Team KalaravaCover Story - Interviews with...

Abhishek KaggantiSrinivas KulkarniKrishna Prasad

KalaravaKaleidoscopeBefore the Kalarava fades away...

Serendipity invented corn flakes, potato chips and even fireworks! So, one day a member of our

Editorial - Team Kalasanthe

Serendipity invented corn flakes, potato chips and even fireworks! So, one day a member of our editorial is contemplating the idiosyncrasies of life, brushing his teeth. Before he moves one more muscle, a woman jumps out of nowhere and shouts, “Kya aapke toothpaste mein namak hain?” He replies, “Mom, neither does our college's canteen! I could write an article about that.....” He suddenly realizes something, the camera closes in, his eyes dilate, heartbeats get louder..........bam! He spits out the toothpaste!

That's not the story of how the magazine came about. I just wanted to make sure that we all grew up on an overdose of melodramatic Bollywood movies. The idea was quelled since two years in our heads and in a recent chat with our Principal, it erupted. In less than a month, a full-fledged campaign began, thanks to this hot political season. The lava spread throughout the college, meandering through myriad assignments, internals and a yet-to-be built new building. Has the IT Dept. seen that yet?

It was hard work, bringing out the magazine, we daresay, as there were more bumps in our journey than the ones that off-Kanakapura Road extends you everyday. “Oye, wake up Kushal! Get your neck over here, Karthik! Your lappy's struck, Shilpa! Open the door, Rakshak! Stop drinking Pepsi, Akhliesh! Sandesh has gone completely missing!” There were even times when we chased around houseflies calculating it would keep us from thinking. Breaking bad, there a little bit!

An initial cold response, second internals (a big round of applause for that, fellas) and a tight deadline interlaced with Kalasanthe-2014, put us on our pinkies. Waddling through endless ideas, articles, photographs, post-its and Gmail themes, we had to script out the untold stories of our college and its people since its inception.

We left no stone, no page unturned (forgive us, Metallica!) for this is the first magazine completely wielded by the students. We shall be elated and honored when the magazine is out there on the servers, for we, for once got the chance to unite the voice of our buddies into Kalarava. But we are sure to miss the fun we had bunking classes, typing attendance letters, assaulting the CAD lab (our unofficial headquarters), teasing each other and yet when it came down to the moment, working as one.

We wouldn't have enough servers at AT&T to thank each and every person who helped us through this colorful odyssey. Special mention to our Principal Dr. S. N. Sridhara, Dr. Vijayalakshmi Akella, Professor and HOD, Civil Dept. & Mr. Ravikiran B. A., Asst. Professor, ECE Dept. for their unwavering support. But without you all, my fellow college-mates, Kalarava would have been buried deep, under layers of our academics and the stress of our stifled creativity. Now, that finally the birds of the same feathers have gathered, let the Kalarva begin! Ruffle through.........

Members of Team Kalarava:Editors-In-Chief: Kushal S IV CSEKarthik Srivatsa IV ECEAkhilesh Halvi IV ECE

Operations & Coordination:Shilpa S VI ECERakshak B.R IV EEE

Publishing & Marketing:Sandesh K R IV CE

Abhishek Kagganti, a student of eighth semester, Civil Dept. is not only an entrepreneur, but also a social worker and a self-confessed foodie. He is an incredible pet of our Principal and a hard man to reach. But once you have his undivided attention, he is easily one of the friendliest persons to connect with. With a polished sense of humor, a hearty laugh and a MyCan, he gets gossipy and gives us more than what we asked for. A true entrepreneur, indeed! Here is an excerpt from the conversation that Karthik Srivatsa and Akhilesh Halvi had with him.

What motivated you to become an entrepreneur?Basically, being an entrepreneur is making your ideas work and getting money for it. I hail from a family of businessmen. Naturally, I was motivated since childhood to have my own enterprise. My dad worked in a store and ever since I was put in charge of the cash counter, I was developed interested in business. Today, I am a successful entrepreneur, according to me.

How you balanced between your company and studies.Studies were a necessity. My company was always an interest. Everyone knows getting through engineering is about studying at the last minute. It was more than enough for me to get an aggregate which companies require. About my company, I was always keenly interested in developing it and seeing it in a good, respectable position. My company is around 5 years old and in the future, I would like to see it reach great heights.

Your favorite part of being an entrepreneur.Every day is a challenge. Seeking the challenge and finding a solution shows the true grit of an entrepreneur. Personally I feel being innovative fetches all the solutions to any problem. That's my favorite part.

Do you believe you are good at what you do?I am actually not as good as I expect myself to be. Though I am successful, I want to be more hard working and dedicated. I feel I am lazy but I have been successful in the past and I think it’s working out for me.

Tips for your juniors.I am an entrepreneur and I wouldn’t expect everyone to become one. A person can also be good at anything he wishes to be. Do what you love. Pursue excellence instead of money, and success will follow. This is what I would like to suggest.

Interview – Abhishek Kagganti

Plans you have for your company in the future.After my engineering, I want to work under somebody, learn the qualities of leadership and discipline prevalent in a corporate company and later inculcate them into my company.

How the college helped you to discover the entrepreneur in you.This college has pushed me to the highest level of excellence. Entrepreneurship is in my blood. I was a first batch student. I had the unique opportunity to start our college fest. I am proud to be the secretary of the cultural forum Aarohana, which organizes all events of the college fest. The biggest and toughest job as a part of it for me was to approach companies for sponsorship and cut deals with them. This helped me to discover the entrepreneur in me.

How you plan on managing so much money and pressure at such a young age.When you love management, I don’t think there’s any pressure. Earning money gives you pleasure, not pressure (Laughs). Your feelings when you got into this college.I had thought it would be fun hanging out with my seniors. After college began, I found out that I was in the first batch. As my dad told me, "Swimming in an ocean gives you more exposure than swimming in a pond." Being in this college was like swimming in an ocean where I had to tackle many problems as a first batch student.

Given a chance to be the principal, changes you would make.(Laughs) I would definitely be more student-friendly. I would include discipline. I would like to impregnate love for education in students. I would approach them personally about the difficulties they are facing.

Your favorite entrepreneur. Vijay Mallya! He’s the person I admire the most and he is the best according to me. He’s the King of good times! (Everybody laughs)

If you have ever been called from a class for “feedback” and then had the smug pleasure of rating your favorite teacher on a computer, then you should thank Srinivas Kulkarni, the mastermind behind the “feedback” software. He is an eighth semester student of the Computer Science Dept. known for his consecutive FCDs & a tech-savvy swag. He is a hardcore gaming-freak and app-designer as well. Kushal S and Akhilesh Halvi, in an interactive chat with him, find out more.

How you feel about topping the class every time.It’s a good feeling. There must be healthy competition in order to be interested in anything and I think that is what drives me to score good marks.But in the end all that matters is what we learn and not the marks.There's also a gift from the college when you are a topper.

Magic formula for success.There is no “magic” but logic, “Play hard work harder” is what I believe in. Follow this and success will follow without any magic.

When did the programming bug bite you?When I needed certain applications and I couldn’t find them I felt it would be better if I can build what I need. This is what drove me to start programming.

Time management.Good time management is what makes anyone successful. I prefer to have a timetable fixed and work out a plan with lots of breaks and other activities along with studying. Following this time table will surely help me in managing my time.

Future Plans?I'd prefer to work in the IT industry. It’s where all the new technologies lie and I would like to dive into it. Also MS in the near future is my dream.

Story behind the Apps you have created.First app was created in my fourth semester, called “Master Mind”, a game written in C, which challenges the player to guess a randomly generated number within a certain time limit. I created this app in lab when I got bored after executing my programs. Next was the “Feedback Project” which used VisualBasic and .NET to take feedback from students every semester and generate a detailed report. I felt a certain redundancy in the way the feedback was previously taken (on paper). So by automating it, we saved a lot of time, and paper and in turn saved trees.

Interview – Srinivas Kulkarni

Your programming pets.I love Windows programming. It’s easy to learn and good way to start off programming. I did a project using VisualBasic and .NET in V semester. If anyone wants to begin programming for small/medium scale projects, I would suggest them VisualBasic or C# as it’s easy to learn and have fun designing the application.

Support from the college you got.Yes, I had very good support from my lecturers and principal which made me what I am today. My work here was shown in KSIT and the same was implemented there. This shows that the college is completely interested in students' projects and help us in every way they can, if your work is good enough.

How good is it to measure your success, by the number of offers you got?I don’t think the number of offers one gets determines how successful he is. A person without any offer letters can also be a successful person. But it has been quite a joy in having getting multiple offer letters. I would like to thank my college for that.

If you were given a chance to be the principal of this college, what changes would you make?Not many I suppose, as what has been done now is pretty good. But I feel a more practical approache needs to be given. We learn all these amazing languages like SQL, Java, C# etc, but we don’t really know how to build a fairly good application using these. There must be an industry-oriented approach to these subjects to bridge the gap between the academic and the real-world knowledge.

Interview – Krishna Prasad

When its Aarohana time in our college, you see this one person’s name being called over and over, “Did you see KP, by any chance?” or “If you need that, go see KP!” and everybody’s beloved KP himself is hardly seen around. But he is the backbone behind our college’s mega-event. He may not be the person you see shaking a leg in the limelight, but he is the person you can resort to if something needs to get done, if something has gone horribly wrong or if you just need someone whom you can relate yourself with or speak to. Kushal S & Akhilesh Halvi gossip with him over a cup of coffee.

Tell us about your transition from a regular college-goer to a successful civil engineer.My family has been in the field of Civil Engineering since 30 years. So, naturally I developed a passion for construction and architecture. Even before I began my degree, I used to handle small projects and as I went on studying Engineering, I gained in-depth, technical knowledge. Currently, I have finished up with 8 large-scale land developing projects and at the helm of four more.

How you managed between handling your projects and academics. It was really tough. There was a lot of responsibility. I didn’t want to give up or give in. I used to wake up at 5 in the morning, go to the site where my project was going on, work out everything there, go to college, attend all the classes, go back to the construction site again, go back home and study late into the night, then wake up early again. But it was my passion and dedication which kept me up and going.

What you dislike about having so much on your platter.I actually love most of the work I do. But sometimes, I get weary of the entire burden on me. There are pressure-filled deadlines and there are a hundred people who depend on your judgment and the decisions you make.

Tips for budding engineers.

Enjoy what you do. Keep a good balance between your academics and the fun you have. Plan everything with a goal-oriented approach. But before going out there and facing the real world, prepare. Recognize your capabilities and your limits. Your whole journey of life is a journey inwards discovering yourself.

Your company’s future.

I am into the green building concept. I want to inculcate it into my projects. It is an eco-friendly and a more sustainable way of construction. Ten years down the lane, I would like to my see my company reach its zenith.

Your experience hosting Aarohana.

Aarohana was initially held at a very primitive level during the first couple years, but then it was taken to a whole new level. Despite all our differences of opinions, we learnt to be unanimous. It was a great experience for us managing the crowd and meeting new requirements every moment. I remember sweeping the floor after ‘Rangoli’ competition in the inaugural Aarohana. I am proud to have organized Aarohana in its roots. I can also daresay that, in just four years, the grandeur of the event has soared to new heights, surpassing all expectations.

Your philosophy for success.

Dedication and faith. Study hard. Get some good exercise. I recommend yoga. Indulge yourself from time to time. But never overdo it. Success is not measured how you do when you are successful, but how you bounce back when you fail.

Given a chance to be the principal, the changes you would make.

No dress code for the students except the seniors. I would also not compel anybody to wear ID cards all the time. I would like to bring in a more practical approach to our academic subjects. Trust me, by the time you finish your degree you would be bored of all the theory that is crammed into your brains.


I couldn't resist cracking this PJ that Kalarava is best served with upma-rava or make use of the inherent pun in the word and come up with this cheesy one-liner, “This magazine cannot be published in black and white! This after all, is Kalarava!” But all in all,this is the most intersting section of the magazine, as this is where the most of the creative chirping happens.


Before every internal,There is a task, so crucial.

They insist we do it, saying its beneficial,No matter what, this task always seems colossal.

Sleepless nights we spend,Ending up writing things we ourselves never understand.

At times what we write, is never rightYet we manage to get it corrected, even after putting up a fight.

Deekshith P B


Memories Down The Lane

I remember the days we spent together,

With all the silly fights and the laughter.

Oh! What joy it was, to eat together

And stand up for one another.

The care we had, when we prayed for each other

And sang together.

Laughing all the time, when we were the stars!

Waging our little wars!

Those faces, filled with innocent loving smiles,

Forever with me they last!

All day long in work I am lost,

But the day never ends without a glimpse from the past!

What sorrow it fills me, when reality strikes my heart..!


Those days were lived in my past!

Sundari P M



I say teenage is the worst stage of life

To get our things done, we are always in the midst of strife.

We are all busy in getting better than the best,

While our parents are busy comparing us with the rest.

Watching television is big crime,

As a teenager, I must say life is boring,

So boring, that I feel to go on snoring,

I wish I can return to the lovely times of my childhood,

And go on dreaming, in my beautiful world of joy and happiness.

Sandesh K R


If a leader makes a mistake, its a new movement.If an engineer makes a mistake, its a new construction.If a film makes a mistake, its a new trend.If a scientist makes a mistake, its a new invention.If a tailor makes a mistake, its a new fashion.If a barber makes a mistake, its a new style.But.....If a country makes a mistake, its a new rule.

Prakash Kumar SahIV ECE

Amazing Facts

Your nose and ears continues growing throughout your life.

Frogs use their eye balls to eat.

The human brain takes 11 million bits of information every second but is aware of only 40.

In an average life time, human skin replaces itself 900 times.

The ocean contains enough of salt to cover all the continents to a depth of 500 feet

Butterflies taste with their hind feet, and their taste sensation works on touch- this allows them to determine whether the leaf is edible.

A cockroach can live for up to 9 days without a head, it dies of starvation.

The longest word in the English language is 1909 letters long and it refers to distinct part of DNA.

A British man changed his name to Tim Ppppppppppprice to make it difficult for telemarketers to pronounce.

Everybody has unique tongue print as finger print.

Pooja N



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The Pope’s place. To talk or write at great length Mysterious Malicious gossip To solicit orders, contributions or votes A portable flask Scrutinized Emptiness To cheat A long-billed water bird

Answers :


Tejashwini S



When the God is cornered by the evil’s might,

I pray to thee for his compassion.

When ignorance fools the intellect,

It is by knowledge that we differentiate ignorance.

As honesty is a luxury,

Choices are often made not to afford it.

Let the falsehood perish as truth alone triumphs.

As hatred is noxious and destructive,

Let white flowers blossom in every heart.

Love is preposterous when it is a conditioned one.

Let it be infinite as it has the potential to be.

Let the darkness vanish,

As you illuminate me, by your presence.

As one concludes life, that breath is temporary,

Let the spirit of soul urge for Freedom.

O lord, I bow down to thee, the creator of cosmos,

As the truth knows that every creation finally merges into you.

Tejas S


Engineering ಸ್ಟೋ���ರಿ

“Smoking kills” ಎಂ�ಬುದು ನಮಗೆಲ್ಲಾ�� ತಿಳಿದಿರುವ ವಿಷಯವೇ�. ಆದ್ರೆ� ಸಿಗರೇ�ಟಿನ ಚಟದಿ�ದು ಈ ರಿ�ತಿ ಸತ್ತ&ವರು ಬುಗೆ' ನೀ�ವು ಕೇ�ಳಿರೇ��ದ್ರೆ� ಇಲ್ಲ�. ಬೆಂ�ಗಳೂರಿನ ಕನಕಪುರು

ರುಸ್ಟೋ&ಯಲ್ಲಿ� ನಡೆದು ಈ ವಿಚಿತ್ತ� ಘಟನೆಯ ಬುಗೆ' ತಿಳಿಯೋ�ಣ ಬುನೀ8.

ಹೆದ್ದಾ�;ರಿಯಿಂ�ದು ಸ=ಲ್ಲ> ದು�ರು ಒಂ�ದು ಕಾ�ಲೇ�ಜು. ಕಾ�ಲೇ�ಜಿನ ಪಕE ವಿಶಲ್ಲವಾ�ದುಮರು. ಮರುದು ಕೇಳಗೆ ಒಂ�ದ್ರೆ� ಒಂ�ದು ಅಂ�ಗಡಿ. ಆ ಅಂ�ಗಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ� ಸಿಗವುದ್ದಾ�ದುರು ಏನ? “slow poisons” ಎಂ�ದ್ರೆ famous ಆಗಿರುವ ಸಿಗರೇ�ಟ, ಗಟ್ಕಾE, ಬೀ�ಡಿ ಇತ್ಯಾ�Pದಿ. ಕಾ�ಲೇ�ಜಿನೀ�ದುಮ�ರು

ಹೆಜ್ಜೆR ಹಾ�ಕಿ, “ ” ಹತ್ತ& ರುಪಾ�ಯಿಂ ಖಚX ಮಾ�ಡಿದಿ� ಸ=ಗX ಸಖ ಸಿಗವಾ�ಗ ಗ್ರಾ��ಹಕರಿಲ್ಲ�ದ್ರೆ�ಇರುತ್ಯಾ�&ರೇಯೇ�? “ಇ�ತ್ತಹ regular customers” ನಲೇ��ಬು\ ನಮ] ಈ ಕಾ�ಲೇ�ಜಿನ

ನಾ�ಯಕ ರ್ಯಾಂ�`P�ಬೆಂ��.

ರ್ಯಾಂ�`P�ಬೆಂ�� ಈ ಕಥೆಯ ದುರು�ತ್ತ ನಾ�ಯಕ, ಕಾ�ಲೇ�ಜಿನ ಹೆ�ರೇ��. ಓದಿನಲ್ಲಿ� ok ಆಗಿದು��, football, cricket ಮ�ತ್ಯಾ�ದು ಆಟಗಳಲ್ಲಿ� ತ್ತ�ಬಾ�ನೆ talented. ಅಂವನ ಹಿಂ�ದ್ರೆ

ಯಾ�ವಾ�ಗಲ್ಲ ಸತಿ&ಕೇ��ಡಿರುತಿ&ರುತಿ&ದು;ರು attendance shortage ಗೆ ದುಡ್ದು; ಖಾ�ಲ್ಲಿಯಾ�ದುಗ ಇವನ close friends ಆಗಿದು; ginger, baby face, shoe lace ‘ ’ ರುನ8 ದು� ಕೇ�ಡಿಸ ಮಗ್ರಾ� ಎಂ�ದು ಪೀ�ಡಿಸತಿ&ದು;.

ಇವನ advisors “ ” ಸಿಗರೇ�ಟ ಸ್ಟೋ�ದ್ರೆ��ದು ಬೀಟ\ಡೆ�� ಎಂ�ದು ಹೆ�ಳಿದ್ರೆ�, “ ನಾ�ಳೇ�ನೆ�” ಮಗ್ರಾ� ಎಂ�ದು ಅಂವರುಮಾ�ತ್ತನ ಉಡಾ�ಫ಼ೇm � ಮಾ�ಡಿ ಬೀಡಿ&ದು;. ಅಂದ್ರೆನ ಗ�ಹಚಾರು ಕೇಟಿ�ತ್ತೋ�&�ಗೆ�ತಿ&ಲ್ಲ�, ಸಿಗರೇ�ಟ್ q ನ�ತ್ತ� ಬೀಡಿ�ಲ್ಲ� ಸಿಗರೇ�ಟಿಗೆ��ಸ Eರು ಲೇ��ಕಾ�ನೆ� ಬೀಟಿ\ಟ�.

ನಡೆದು ವಿಷಯಹಿಂ�ಗಿದ್ರೆ.... ಶನೀವಾ�ರು ಮದ್ದಾ�Pಹ8 ಕೇ�ನೆಯ exam ಮಗಿಸಿ ಕಾ�ಲೇ�ಜಿನ ಹೆ�ರುಗೆ ನಮ] ರ್ಯಾಂ�`P�ಬೆಂ�� ಬು�ದು. ಮರುದು ಕಡೆಗೆ ನಡೆದು ಅಂವಾ�ಗ ಹೆ�ಳಿ�ತ್ತ ಅಂವನ ತ್ತಲೇಗೆ - ಜ್ಜೆ�ಬು8ಲ್ಲಿ�

ಒಂ�ದು ರು�ಪಾ�ಯಿಂ ಕ�ಡ್ದು ಇಲ್ಲ� ಅಂ�ತ್ತ. ಅಂವನ friends – ginger, baby face, shoe lace ಅಂಲೇ�� ದು� ಹೆ�ಡಿ�ತ್ಯಾ� ನೀ�ತಿದು�. “ಇವನ ಅಂವರು ಹತ್ತ� ಹೆ��ಗಿ ಒಂ�ದು....

ಒಂ�ದ್ರೆ� ಒಂ�ದು puff ” ಕೇ�ಡೆ��� ಎಂ�ದು ಕಾ�ಡಿದು, ಬೆಂ�ಡಿದು. ಆದ್ರೆ� ಅಂವರೇಲ್ಲಾ�� ನೀರ್ಯಾಂ�ಕರಿಸಿದುರು. ಆಗ ಆ ದುದ್ರೆr Xವಿಗೆ ರುಸ್ಟೋ& ಮದುPದುಲ್ಲಿ� ಬೀದಿ;ದು; ಬೀ�ಡಿಯ ತ್ತ�ಡ್ದು ಕಾ�ಣಿಸಿತ್ತ. ಅಂದುನ8 ನೆ��ಡಿ ಆ

ಅಂಯೋ�ಗPನ ಕಣt ಅಂರುಳಿದುವು. ಆಸ್ಟೋಯಿಂ�ದು ಬೀ�ಡಿ ಎಂತ್ತೋ�Eಳೋ�ಕೇ ಹೆ��ದು. ಆದು� ಎಂದುರಿನೀ�ದು ಬು�ದು lorry ಯನ8 ನೆ��ಡ್ದುಲೇ� ಇಲ್ಲ�. ಅಂನ�ತ್ತರು ನಮ] ರ್ಯಾಂ�`P�ಬೆಂ��ನನ8ಯಾ�ರು� ನೆ��ಡೆ��


ರ್ಯಾಂ�`P�ಬೆಂ�� ಸತ್ತ& ಎಂರುಡ್ದು ವಾ�ರುಗಳಾ�ಗಿವೇ. ಅಂವನ friends ಆದು ginger, baby face, shoe lace ಇನ8 shock ನೀ�ದು ಚೇ�ತ್ತರಿಸಿಕೇ���ಡೆ� ಇಲ್ಲ�.

ರ್ಯಾಂ�`P�ಬೆಂ� ಸಾ�ವಿಗೆಯಾ�ರು ಕಾ�ರುಣ? ಮ�ದ್ರೆ college ಇದ್ರೆ ಅಂ�ತ್ತ ಗೆ�ತಿ&ದು; 120 km speed ನಲ್ಲಿ� ಬು�ದು lorry driverನೆ��? ಅಂಥವಾ� ಗೆಳೇಯನೀಗೆ ಹತ್ತ& ರು�ಪಾ�ಯೇ

ಖಚX ಮಾ�ಡ್ದುಲ್ಲ ಹಿಂ�ದ್ರೆಮ�ದ್ರೆ ನೆ��ಡಿದು ಆಮ�ರು ಮಠ್ಠಾ�{ಳರೇ��?

ಇವರ್ಯಾಂ�`Pರು ಅಂಲ್ಲ�..... ರ್ಯಾಂ�`P�ಬೆಂ�ನ ಸಾ�ವೇಗೆ ಧೂ�ಮಪಾ�ನವೇ� ಕಾ�ರುಣ.

ರ್ಯಾಂ�`P�ಬೆಂ��ನ�ತ್ತಹ ವಿದ್ದಾ�Pವ�ತ್ತರು ಇದುಕೇE ಬುಲ್ಲಿಯಾ�ಗವಾ�ಗ ಇನ8 ಬೆಂ�ರೇಯವರು ಬುಗೆ' ಕೇ�ಳಬೆಂ�ಕೇ?

Cigarette ಎಂ�ಬು ಚಟದಿ�ದು ಚಟ� ಏರಿದು ರ್ಯಾಂ�`P�ಬೆಂ��ನ ಕಥೆ ಕೇ�ಳಿ ಒಂಬು\ ವPಕಿ&ಯಾ�ದುರು“SMOKE” ಮಾ�ಡೆ��ದು ನೀಲ್ಲಿ�ಸಿದ್ರೆ� ನನ8 ಈ ಕಥೆಗೆ ಅಂಥX ಸಿಗತ್ತ&ದ್ರೆ.

VINUTHA SRIKANTH, Assistant Professor, EEE


“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall.” so says a meaningfully carved adage. Success and failure, triumph and defeat are the two faces of the same coin. The probability appears equal when tossed. Life sprawls around us far and at times is a mountainous task to surpass a small tributary and sometimes is an ingenuous job to cross a big river. Everyone with knowledge exerts, sweats and toils, but only a few succeed in life. How’s that?

The answer lies in the fact that we generally forget that the mind is the ‘door’ in us and the body is only a tool. Normally we lose confidence in ourselves and proceed from rational to empirical, which is not desirable. At this juncture, we have to justify and console ourselves with the following epigrammatical lines.

There was a man who failed in business at 31, was defeated for the legislature at 32, failed at business again at 34, last his beloved at 35, had a nervous breakdown at 36, was defeated in the election at 38, was defeated for Congress at 46, was again defeated for Congress at 49, was defeated for Senate at 55, was defeated for Vice President at 56, was again defeated for Senate at 58, but was elected President of the United States of America at 60. This was Abraham Lincoln. Lives of these edifying great then have always reminded us that success is a ladder and one cannot climb it with one’s hands in one’s pockets. It can be reached only through conscientious and persistent effort.

While in the process, we need a lot of patience, perseverance and confidence, which pay back. After all, you are what you think. Therefore, there must be a well-chosen objective; once when it is selected, the sheer tenacity must drive the soul to the top. The right sort of ambition of challenging nature must be to run along to achieve the tremendous spur.

A man who does not really want to do a thing can have any number of excuses, but if determined, he can face any hardship with invariable power and can overcome the most formidable obstacles.

Enrich yourself with a positive attitude, inexhaustible energy and courage, firm faith, vibrating enthusiasm, bold action and above all, strong belief and hope that you will win. Take up the risks and challenges, face them, decide your destiny and fashion your future with your own sincere effort and confirmed determination. After all, great achievements began with very small ideas. Never accept defeat as final and buckle under it. Nothing is impossible.  Tejashwini S VIII EEE


Mohan Naidu


Koushik DashyalIV ME

Koushik DashyalIV ME

Koushik DashyalIV ME



Rakesh Raj UrsVI CE

Before the Kalarava fades away...

If you actually perused everything until here, pat yourself once, for your patience deserves nothing less than a pat! We wanted to keep the overdose of poems, essays, photographs & irony to a bare minimum, but as this is the first edition, we figured you would like to taste steel before blood. Before you fire up your imagination and start to get wild, gory ideas, the second edition is going to be no banana ride. We are gonna make it Lawrence-of-Arabia-long! Not because we want to, but we still have an arsenal of unpublished articles with us, from you. So, do not dishearten if your magnum opus couldn't find its way to ISSUU. As the cliched saying goes, “There's always a next time!”

Unfortunately, that next time needs to wait for six more months. Already feeling Lawrence-of-Arabia-long? Steel before blood, remember! But let us not rust the steel. Fellas, whet your brains and fire up your imagination now! Keep your masterpieces flowing to e-magazine@kssem.edu.in! There ain't no quenching creativity's thirst, for when the Kalarava returns the next time, it is gonna bigger, better, louder and more colorful! Quoting Tyler Durden, “I say, let's evolve!”
