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Kaiulani L.Q.,

Germán R.F.,

Angel Z.L. y

Mariana B.I.

We are going to present Kageranma our Ideal City.

The purpose of creating this city is to have a place that is completely ecologic.

The first topic we are going to talk about:

But because it makes pollution we invented the ecologic car.

In all the world cars work with gas.


PaperIn other words, trash.


Nowaday, trash is a complete problem. But, with this invention, little by little we are going to get rid of it

Since fuel is very expensive, you might as well, Buy an ecologic car, or you will have two months To save for one. Meanwhile, the government will help You with the rent of one and public transportation.

In case of vacation, there will be a rent for people visiting the city for more than one week.

We also invented ecologic houses. They have cristal roof.

With this cristal roof we can take advantage of solar light.

Houses will have solar panels, so during the day they can be charged and at nightYou can use the energy.

Since in Cancun we have very hot weather, we invented an ecologic air conditioning.In our visit to Ek Balam, cool air came out from a tunnel made of rock, Hot air cooles Down from the top from the pyramid, having as a result, fresh, cool air.

In our city, all of the bathrooms will be ecologic.

With this invention we are going to save gallons of water.

It works without water, instead we use sawdust. At the end you will have rich soil forPlants.The name of the ecologic bathroom is Letrine.





Bicycle path


Since it is an ecologic city, space is also considered important. For this reason we invented A multiuse stadium, where you can play all sports and special massive events can also take place. An eigth part of the space occupied by the city is considered a natural reserve.

It works with gritolific energy. This energy is made by the sound waves from the yelling Of the crowd that move the turbins that create electricity.

We want our city to be fun and ecologic, so we invented Eight Flags, the best ecologic park in all the world.

The electricity needed by the park and public services is created by the heavy load truckWhich generates electricity by friction.


Bicycle path





We want every child to be able to go to school, so we placed one on every corner of the city.

We hope every city in the world will follow our example, so everypeople will have a healthy life.