JUA: Business Ethics




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Business EthicsOur Mission: This course was designed to look all angles of business ethics and to explore the day in the life of a business man. Our group went to an exhibit at the Museum of Science that was titled “by The Numbers”. It brought up many interesting topics about production and whether or not it is more advantageous to produce products that are environmentally safe for a company. Furthermore, it made us question our habits as citizens of this country and how we can contribute to the betterment of our environment.

Second, we met with the Managing Director of Citi Group and got great insight on what it takes to be a successful business man. In addition, we got some very good advice on the importance of doing the right thing when it comes to making decisions with clients and partners. Overall, our experience with ethics was very insightful and our understanding of the business world and what it entails. Everyone agreed it is a difficult and cut throat world.

By: Alex Milofsky Peter Lee Billy Lui Alex Lederman Kyle Lakin Joe Leary Stephen Topercer John Humphrey Anthony Bicchieri Nick Enxing Yeo Jun Song

Nick Enxing• Learned then experience• The Junior Urban Adventure was a great chance to get a glimpse at what is to come. The trip allowed me

and my classmates to spend the two days in Boston, and to pretend as though we were in the business world. We traveled the trains, and met some really successful people who have a lot of knowledge about what it means to be successful. The trip helped me realize that if you are patient and if you put forth a lot of effort then good things will come.

• The trip was really great. The whole experience was really educational. Not only did we learn about the business world, but we also had to live for ourselves and we learned a little bit of money management and budgeting. We were given 50 dollars for 5 meals and we had to make it work. It was not easy, but it was just another example that if you want to be successful in life, nothing comes easy and everything has to be earned and respected. The trip was very well planned out and kept us occupied for the whole time. It was not only a great bonding experience, but a great opportunity to get a sense for what its really like traveling in Boston.

Alex Lederman• I learned that the way you do business and the way you treat people is a very important factor and how

successful you can become. What goes around comes around and you need to have know people and get your name around to have an opportunity to thrive.

• I thought that meeting Billy was an eye opening experience and showed me that you need to be incredibly confident and humble at the same time. It takes a lot to master both traits, but if you do it will get you far.

Stephen Topercer• Going through JUA I learned a lot of things that can help me be a better businessman in the future. I

learned that times may get tough and your life may not be so much of a life because it just revolves around your work but in the long run to just stick it out and keep on going because it will all pay off and then you will be sky high while everyone else is still working there tails off.

• Overall the trip was a great experience for me. It helped give me more knowledge for business but also with only a certain amount of money given to us for food it made us spend our money wisely so that by the end of the trip we have money for our last meal and not just spending it all at one time. It was not an easy task to only spend little bit of money but it sure can help someone out in the long run. I would recommend this trip to another school to do.

Joe Leary• I learned many things on this urban adventure. I learned about the hard work you

have to do to get to a quality position in the business world. Also I learned that school is a short time of life but work is much longer and this depicts what you do in life. So sometimes while other people are out having fun you need to get down to work.

•The thing I liked about this trip the most was seeing all the statistics in the museum of science. However one thing I did not like is that we did not get to choose who we had to room with. I do not share a bed with somebody whose name I do not even know. But overall I think it was a successful adventure.

Peter Lee• Throughout the trip, I learned crucial things about business from the guy named Billy who currently does a huge

business for Citi-bank. I learned from him that a single businessman makes numerous of crucial choices independently in daily business not to lose his job. I realized that whether or not I become successful in the future really depends on myself.

• Our group went to museum and saw couple works of art, which represent how people use countless of plastic bottles in very short amount of time and how they are not able to use other stuff that is good for the environments. After seeing the works of art, our group had a discussion about how only rich people are capable of buying environmentally friendly things. Second day of the trip, our group got to see some of the people who have at least three different screens in front of each one of them working in their office. Overall, this trip was very educational and fun.

Kyle Lakin• During the JUA trip to Boston, i learned many things about the business world. I learned what it takes to

succeed, what you need to do to become successful, what an avgerage day is like, and many more things. It gave us a idea of what the real world is like, and how long you need to work and how dedicated you need to be. The best advice we got was to do something your passionate about. If you don't like what you are doing, you wont want to succeed, and what your looking for may not always be there on the first try. Seeing what it takes to succeed in the real world made us start to think about what we might want to do.

• • This trip was a great experience for our whole group. We learned so much that you don't learn in the

classroom. The business meeting allowed us to ask any questions about what we wanted to know, which was something we all got really into. I know have a much better idea then what I did before of the real work world, and what I may want to do when I get older.

Anthony Bicchieri• My experience on JUA was definitely one to remember. From watching people in action in the pit and

learn what it really take to become a successful businessman. Some of the important things that we as group learned I think was first it is a huge sacrifice to become a businessman, corruption in business in the short run will get you more money and probably lose the client but being reasonable and fair will give you a client forever. “You can cut a man’s hair many times, but you can only scalp him once” Billy Mac. I think this experience answered a lot questions to real life settings, issues, and situations. It was very eye opening to a big part of the real world and the transformation from student to employee.

Billy Lui• The JUA group give me the first chance to comprehend with finance thank you KJ. I remember that at the

first day Kozens gave us a lesson about ethics in the business world and made the first connection between business and ethic, that gives me a hard impression. On the second day, we went to the Citigroup. that was my first time to see such a grandiosity business and finance center and the tour led me knew what finance looks like and how people work over there. I never try that kind of job so that I could not know whether I will like that or not but I really really like the experience over there. At least the conversation with Billy let me knew the passion from your heart drive you to the success. Besides all the serious stuff, I also enjoyed the food. I had the most tasty burger in front of the Harvard University and I also had delicious breakfast.

• I had a plenary JUA trip no lie.

YeoJun Song

• I belonged to Business and Ethic group during JUA. We discuss about current event such as using green products with high price and chemical products with cheap price but cause pollution. We went to museum of science and saw pictures that satires our wastes. Also, at the second day we interviewed Billy who worked in Lehman Brothers group and working in investment bank of Citi group of Boston. He toured us about company and told us about his story to get that position. He said we need to do what we want to do best , what we passionate about. That helped me in many ways. I had to think about colleges to put keystone of my future and he taught me new way of approach. Business exists everywhere but it is hard to be closed in our ages. Therefore, to me this experience was valuable. Meeting with current business man was great experience. I have been thinking about my future relating to business, and haven't gotten good result. But by having JUA I could approach my future easier. I enjoyed it and I appreciated. It was great group Mr. Kozens !

Alex Milofsky• On our JUA trip, the business ethics group had a good time. I learned that business is about making money.

You may be buying, selling, trading, manufacturing, or any of hundreds of options, but in the end its all about making money. Often times, there are unethical or immoral ways to make money, for example overpricing products, fixing prices, or producing environmentally detrimental items. These unethical business schemes are always to make more money than doing it the ethical way. Billy from Citi gave us a great example involving pricing with one of his clients, and proved that in the end its always better to stick to your morals.

• The trip itself was a lot of fun. It involved a good amount of learning and work, but also combined plenty of free time to see new places and experience new things. We went to a great burger place called Mr. Bartleys, and had a ton of fun at fanuel hall during the day. All in all, I thought the trip was a great experience, and Mr. Kozens did a fantastic job setting up the our plan for the trip.
