Jorum OCWC 2010



Peter Burnhill, Jorum

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1OCWC, Hanoi, May 2010

Peter Burnhill & Jackie CarterJorum Co-Directors

My Day Job: Director, EDINA national data centre University of Edinburgh, UK

Pushing Open The Jorum: A national repository for learning materials



A distant voice from a small island in the Far West of shared land mass

… but now the world is a stage with Hanoi at its centre


Perhaps I should just have submitted our prize-winning poster from 2001 !!!


What I’ll be covering today…1. Very brief scene setting about the UK: JISC, EDINA & Mimas 2. Some background on Jorum

• What it is, how it came about and what it contains3. Reference to the Open Educational Resource (OER) Vision

• UKOER Programme [Malcolm Read is Friday’s Plenary speaker]

4. How we have been re-shaping Jorum for OER/OCW• JorumOpen & other licensing options

• Support for existing & licensed material• adopting and adapting DSpace for JorumOpen

OCWC, Hanoi, May 2010

Joint Information Systems Committee Standing committee of the UK funding councils for higher and

further education (a creature of Government Agencies)

Responsible for ‘top-slice’ recurrent funding + special capital grants:

• It manages and funds projects within thematic programmes• Their outputs and lessons made available to HE and FE community.

• It supports Services that provide online resources, expertise, advice• 3 largest services are

• JANET(UK) - which oversees high speed networking • two national academic data centres, EDINA and Mimas

UK funding councils for HE & FE

Content, Tools &


JISC Sub-CommitteesJISC Collections

acting as platform for network-level services & helping to build the JISC Integrated Information Environment

research, learning & teaching in UK universities & colleges

UK Research Councils

National Data Centres




“Pushing the Jorum” Jorum tune

Jorum could be an acronym … but it is a word that embodies sharing

\ 'jo-r-*m, 'jo.r-\ n

[perhaps from Joram “ … brought with him vessels of silver"

(2 Sam 8:10 - AV)] :

a large drinking vessel or its contents

Brewers Phrase & Fable hypertext Webster Interface

Jorum sharing content


Jorum began as ‘keep-safe’ repository– commissioned and grant-funded by the JISC

• for publicly-funded outputs and content developed in projects at UK institutions

• it became a support service within X4L Programme• eXchange for Learning

It was then transformed into a JISC-funded national repository– to promote sharing, reuse and repurposing of learning materials

• across UK institutions: active further education (16+) sector

OCWC, Hanoi, May 2010

14, Hanoi, May 2010

XOR and Intrallect kindly ‘lent’ their software to the Jorum Project.



‘putting content in’


‘getting content out’


Two Services + ‘Keep-safe’ mandate + Jorum R&D

Jorum pre-dates emergence of OA & Institutional Repositories


• for sharing learning and teaching materials

• for finding learning and teaching materials– for download from Jorum– into local learning environment (VLE)

OCWC, Hanoi, May 2010

19 19

Single files

Content Packages / Learning Objects

Virtual Objects

Text documents, Spread Sheets, PowerPoints, Images, Video, Audio, Flash Animations

Bundling learning resources together with metadata. Content can be moved between programs, facilitating easier delivery, reuse and sharing of materials.

Jorum can catalogue and point to resources stored elsewhere e.g. a licensed service at EDINA, Mimas or elsewhere… and now Open CourseWare

A variety of content

3. OER & ukoer Vision

“...digitised materials offered freely and openly for educators, students and self-learners to use and reuse for teaching, learning and research.”

Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Educational Resources Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2007)

“The UK must have a core of open access learning resources organised in a coherent way to support on-line and blended learning by all higher education institutions and to make it more widely available in non-HE environments.”

Sir Ron Cooke (as Chairman of JISC, 2008)

Some Milestones in OER

• 1998 - Open Content Initiative• 2000 - UNESCO conference• 2001 - Wikipedia• 2002 - MIT OpenCourseWare [UK]• 2002 - Creative Commons • 2006 - OU OpenLearn [UK]• 2007 - Cape Town Open Educational Declaration • 2009 - HEFCE/JISC/Academy OER (Pilot) Programme

(Adapted from Yuan et al (2008),

OER Pilot Programme

• one year programme – HEFCE-funded; managed by JISC & the Higher Education Academy.

subjectsubject institutioninstitution individualindividual14 projects 9 projects7 projects

support function – covering technical, legal, strategic advice, workshops, support for deposit and aggregation of materials, communities of practice. Based around existing JISC services & OU “SCORE” project.

OER infokit – a “how to” guide for future work

evaluation & synthesis function


me M


• 3 strands of funding over 12 months:– Institutional projects @ up to £250k per project– Subject consortia 1@ up to 250k per project– Individual projects @ up to £20k per project

• c.30 pilot projects in all

• Over 80 institutions involved in OER Programme

UKOER Pilot Programme

Aim is that the funded projects would ... • Release a significant amount of resources ‘openly’• Prompt change and clarity in institutional policies about online

learning resources. • adapt processes and policies to ensure release is sustained

• Act as a pilot to inform the design of a next (and larger) phase of the OER Programme – offering value for money to the UK HE sector. – promoting a positive profile for institutions and the sector worldwide– testing a “business model” for open release

• contribute to understanding of practicalities of open release in different contexts

UKOER Pilot Programme

25OAI6, Geneva, June 2009

• Projects are expected to:• represent them in Jorum • publish them online, via Jorum or otherwise

– Yet to consider long term access (preservation)

• publish materials via:– Open institutional repositories– Web 2.0 services– Institutional websites

– all must have an exposed RSS feed


1. To act as a place where JISC-funded open content can be stored, managed, represented and made available

2. To stand as “a national statement of the importance of creating interoperable, sustainable materials”

Jorum had 2 main purposes in ukoer Programme

• The OER Pilot Programme does not mandate:– a single platform from which to disseminate resources– a single metadata application profile to describe content

But … projects do need to ensure that content can be:– Found / Used / Analysed / Aggregated / Tracked

• The only mandated metadata were:– Programme tag – “ukoer”– Title / Author [owner, contributor, from user profile] / Date / URL– Technical info – file format, name & size

• Platforms had to be capable of generating RSS/Atom feeds– particularly for collections of resources e.g. YouTube channels

• Projects should use appropriate standards for sharing complex objects:– e.g. IMS Content Packaging, IMS Common Cartridge, OAI ORE– e.g. IMS QTI for assessment items

UKOER Pilot Programme

• For existing content (not about digitisation or content creation)• Geared at transforming this for release as OER• Recommendations on usability, accessibility and design• Pointers to guidelines on management of IPR/Copyright

It’s a pilot! • Encouraged bold, innovative experimentation

– different approaches / use of variety of platformsbut• Need to register description and location of content with Jorum• Need to track use of content

key role for Jorum and for ukoer tag

UKOER Pilot Programme

4. Re-shaping Jorum for OER/OCW

• The JorumOpen story

• lots of new, open content to be available via Jorum– OER Programme; JISC Digitisation projects; RePRODUCE/RLO-CETL

• JorumOpen and other licensing options– One of three licensing regimes

• Re-stating role of Jorum and JorumOpen – Sharing, Finding, Discussing


We investigated three enabling licensing schemes: • regarding all content as licensed!

1. JorumOpen [open to the world]

• JorumEducationUK [for ‘authenticated’ members of community]

• JorumPlus [requiring ‘authorisation’]


Three enabling licensing schemes:

1. JorumOpen• content whose creators/owners are willing & able to

share materials for anyone to use via the web; uses Creative Commons (CC) licences

2. JorumEducationUK

3. JorumPlus


Three enabling licensing schemes:1. JorumOpen

2. JorumEducationUK• [a custom licence] content whose creators/owners who

need/opt to restrict availability of resources to members of UK further and higher education; authenticated via the UK Access Management Federation

3. JorumPlus


Three enabling licensing schemes:1. JorumOpen

2. JorumEducationUK

3. JorumPlus• for sharing content with additional restrictions

• for example where material licensed via JISC Collections or from third parties

• typically requires institutional licence/authorisation



• Anyone in the world is able to search, browse, download and use resources on JorumOpen, respecting licence terms for each resource– Content deposited under JorumOpen will be exposed to search engines

• In first instance, sharing (deposit) via JorumOpen requires ‘authentication’

– intended for people within UK FE/HE with necessary rights and wish to release materials under Creative Commons licences

– depositors are responsible for content deposited via JorumOpen• just as they would on web2.0 services such as Slideshare, YouTube, flickr etc

35OER10 – 22nd March 2010


Jorum is now open to the world!• for finding learning and teaching materials

– in Jorum and elsewhere• downloading to use under terms of licence

• for sharing learning and teaching materials– both deposit and issue under CC

• and other licences

• for exchanging views and tools– the Jorum Community Bay

OCWC, Hanoi, May 2010


Jorum Community Bay [to share KnowHow]• knowledge exchange and discussion about all aspects of sharing,

reuse and repurposing of learning & teaching resources– beginners and experts

• complete with the Jorum Forum• we are keen to populate

– So, come and get involved!• target: area for UKOER projects to engage in discussions

39OAI6, Geneva, June 2009


Next part of presentation on what the Team* has done in adopting and adapting DSpace for JorumOpen:

1. The various ways resources can be found & deposited2. technical changes made to underlying repository


…. * led by Gareth Waller, Jorum Technical Manager


• Provide 3 ‘interfaces’ for finding content in JorumOpen

1. Web based user interface• Jorum selected the DSpace “Manakin” XML interface

1. Machine to machine (M2M) interfaces • OAI-PMH target

– listed in ROAR– developed by MIT as component of DSpace

2. Exposure to major search engines• Google sitemap generation and crawling


Using the Dspace XML/Manakin user interface


OAI-PMH target is now available

44OER10 – 22nd March 2010


• Our tech team has 6 major modifications to DSpace for deposit:

1. Support for deposit of URL links to resources2. Minimal (streamlined) metadata profile (ukoer pilot prog.)3. CC licence chooser4. Support for IMS and SCORM content packages

• Preview of content packages5. Resource registration via RSS feed (RSS ingest)6. Extant Metadata detection

• with metadata cross-walk


URL links to resources


2. Minimal metadata profile

– Title– Description– Keywords– Author– Licence


3. CC licence chooser

Depositor can select on one screen:

• UK Eng & Wales v2

• Do not prevent use of ND CC licence


4. Content Package Support

• Support for deposit of content packages• successfully re-purposed DSpace for a Learning Resource

Repository!– Builds upon initial work by MIT as part of the CWSpace projecta) new package detector step

• automatically determines if a user is submitting a IMS or SCORM packageb)new IMS and SCORM ingesters: read package and store in DSpace

• Metadata automatically read from manifest• Licence automatically read from manifest


4. Content Package Support cont.

• Support for viewing content packages

– Individual package components viewable and downloadable– Package preview generator -> HTML “view” of package

51OER10 – 22nd March 2010




5. Registration of metadata via RSS feeds:– registration of metadata

• with link to the resource [important for OCW]• support for DC, IMSMD, LOM metadata

– JorumOpen administrator can deposit a web link to an external RSS v2.0 feed

– each item listed in the feed will be stored under a chosen classification in JorumOpen

• along with the relevant metadata and licence • iff feed meets JorumOpen submission guidelines for RSS feeds


6. Leveraging Extant Metadata: detection & cross-walk

1. metadata automatically detected in a content package or RSS feed– format is discovered, copied and converted

1. Crosswalk via DSpace Intermediate Metadata (DIM) Format–– XML notation for DSpace's internal Item metadata

• the metadata fields stored in the database for each Item– Extant metadata is converted from the source format to DIM

• via a metadata crosswalk into “DSpace Intermediate Metadata”• Extra crosswalks developed for Jorum:

1. Modified LOM->DIM crosswalk based on one supplied by MIT2. New DC ->DIM3. New IMSMD -> DIM


Looking Ahead: Towards a Jorum Roadmap1. Publication of release schedule

– JorumOpen Survey closed last Friday• half the respondents from the ukoer Programme & half not

2. Delivery of additional search technology– Search JorumOpen via SRW/U – Unified repository search tool

• Metadata cache layer (for performance)– Cache populated via regular harvesting by OAI-PMH– Supplemented by on demand SRU search

• Determination of contribution of software engineering work (back) into DSpace community


Jorum is open to the world!• for finding learning and teaching materials

– in Jorum and elsewhere• downloading to use under terms of licence

• for sharing learning and teaching materials– both deposit and issue under CC

• and other licences

• for exchanging views and tools– the Jorum Community Bay

OCWC, Hanoi, May 2010


Any questions?


Some useful links• Jorum• Jorum Collection Development Policy • Creative Commons • MrCute• RePRODUCE project • JISC Digitisation programme • RLO-CETL

Resources• Cetis Briefing Paper (2008), Open Educational Resources – Opportunities and Challenges

for Higher Education , • Cooke, R. (2008) On-line Innovation in Higher Education• Downes, S. (2006) Models for Sustainable Open Educational Resources, National

Research, Council Canada,• OEDb (2007), 80 Open Education Resource (OER) Tools for Publishing and Development

Initiatives,• OECD (2007), Giving Knowledge for Free: the Emergence of Open Educational

Resources,• OECD (2007), Open Content Licensing (OCL) for Open Educational Resources,• UNESCO, 2008, UNESCO OER Toolkit,• Wiley, D. (2006) On the Sustainability of Open Educational Resource Initiatives in Higher

Education,• ZaidLearn, (2008), University Learning = OCW + OER = FREE!,


two collections:• JorumOpen

– Resources for sharing via Creative Commons (CC) licences• JorumUK

– resources for sharing only within UK FE and HE• all resources deposited in Jorum prior to 2010, shared via institutional licence• a new JorumEducationUK licence, enabling sharing across UK FE and HE

– no need for an institutional subscription• resource stubs using data/objects held under 3rd-party licence

– e.g. Digimap