Jeff Attwood - "Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange: Programming the Programmers"



We didn’t set out to make participation a game in 2008, but when we considered what we wanted users to do that was constructive not just for themselves, but for the greater community, the game mechanics that programmers know and love came immediately to mind.

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Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange: Programming the Programmers

Jeff Atwood

Reputation always comes from your peers

Never from “the system”

Never from repetition

Time invested ≠ skill

New users can’t vote until others have voted for them.

Give real power to the community.

It scales.

You don’t.

“The Game” is people teaching (and learning from) each other

Game elements should always exist in service of a higher purpose

So… what’s your higher purpose?

How are you making it easier for your community to help each

other and learn from each other?
