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Making dynamic pages with javascript

Lecture 1

Java script java versus javascript Javascript is a scripting language that will

allow you to add real programming to your webpages.

Its not stand alone language as java.

uses for javascript Browser Detection

Detecting the browser used by a visitor at your page. Depending on the browser, another page specifically designed for that browser can then be loaded.

Cookies Storing information on the visitor's computer, then retrieving this information automatically next time the user visits your page. This technique is called "cookies".

Control Browsers Opening pages in customized windows, where you specify if the browser's buttons, menu line, status line or whatever should be present.

Validate Forms Validating inputs to fields before submitting a form.An example would be validating the entered email address to see if it has an @ in it, since if not, it's not a valid address.

Position of script tag1. Internal

Between the head tag / body tag What is the different between the scripting between head tag and

between body tag? In the tag itself

example <p onclick=“ alert(‘good’)”> text </p>

2. External<HTML><Head>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" src=“jfile.js"></SCRIPT></Head><Body> </Body></HTML>

One quote

Components of javascript1. <script> tag2. Objects

( window, document, form)3. Properties

document.color4. Methods

document.write( ) document.write( string)

5. Variables var name=“ ali” var age=30

6. Operators and expression + ,- , % ,/ …..

Cont.6. Statements

If - If … else For while

7. Event handlers. KB events: onkeydown – onkeyup- onkeypress Mouse events : onmousemove – onmouseover-

onmousedown- onmouseout- onmouseup- onclick-ondblclick

Load & unload Its specified in the <body> tag. <body onload=“……”>

Script tag <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- document.write ("Hello World"); //--> </SCRIPT>Notes: Its necessary to but the code between

comment tag. Why? Case sensitive write (ex. document.Write <> document.write)

Comment statement (// or /* */)

Comment tag


output methods 1. alert 2. Write3. Print

alert alert (“ text”) = window.alert(“ text”) Ex.

In the tag :<TagName event=”code statement"></TagName>

Example : <p onclick= “ alert(‘ click is occurred’) “ > click </p>

Using script tag in the head <head> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- function demo() { alert ("Hello World"); } //--> </SCRIPT> </head>Calling: <p onclick=“ demo( ) “ > click </p>

Function without


Calling function

when event is occurred

Write method Examples:

documet.write(“hello”) document.write("<font color=ff0000> red text </font>”) document.write("<font color=ff0000> red text </font>

<br> <font color=00ff00> green text </font>”)

Notes: Use tags within document

Newline in write( ) and alert ) (

document.write(" ppu <br> graphics") alert(" are you sure \n press OK" )

Print window.print()

Input methods1. Confirm2. Prompt

confirm One of window methods as alert. It return value false/true by

contrast of alert. confirm(“ message "); or window.confirm(“ message");

to show the result: Alert( confirm (message) )

prompt Window method that pass a message to user

(undefined is default value) Prompt( “message”, ”default value”)


variables Types of variables:

String Numbers Boolean Null

Naming variables Ex these variable names are correct

Address1 A4xb5 lastName _firstName parent_Name

Not correct 1stName ?subName last name @ userID

Declaration/assignment var firstName; var firstName, lastName, userID; var firstName, lastName = “ali", userID = 13;

assignment var stname; stname = "Ahmed“;


<script> function demo( ) { var username = ”ali"; alert("welcome\n"+username); } </script>

- improve this code in order to accept your name from the KB.

Conditional statement If (condition) {…..} If (condition) {……} Else { ……} If (condition) {……} Else if ( ) { ……}

example<HEAD><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--var age, name;name = prompt(“what’s your name”,”enter your name here");age=prompt(“what’s your age?”,”enter your age here");document.write( "<b> welcome : </b>" + name + "<br>" );

If ( age<40)document.write( "<b> you still youth : </b>" + age+ "<br>"

+”is your age”);document.write( "<b> you are experienced person : </b>" + age + "<br>" +

”is your age”);



switch(value/expression) {case " val1" :

break;case " val2 " :

break;case " val3 " :break;..default :


var num = 4;switch( num ) { case 1 : alert( " num is \n one " ); break; case 2 : alert( " num is \n two " ); break; case 3 : alert( ” num is \n three " ); break;default : alert( " num is " + num );break;}

Iteration For While

Print your name four times, each one in a separate line.

var x = 0; for( i=1; i<5 ; i++ ) { document.write( “ali” <br> ) }

while1- var i = 0; while( i<5 ) { document.write( “ali” + "<br>" ); i++; }2- var userPassword = "123";var password = prompt(“enter password", “password ");while( password != userPassword ){ alert( “ wrong try again " ); password = prompt(“enter password", “password ");}Alert (“its correct”);

Good site
