Java- Java tech overview- Mazenet solution


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Java Technology

By Sharmilee J

Java TrainerMazenet Solution

Objectives of this Session

• What is Java?• Why Java?• About IDE’s• About JDK• About JVM• About JRE• What we do in Java?

What is Java???

Java is• Versatile Programming language

• Platform & device Independent

• General purpose

• Can run on virtually any type of computer

• Developed in 1995 by James Gosling

Java in today’s world

• Android Apps• Server Apps at Financial Services Industry• Java Web Applications• Software Tools• Trading Applications• J2ME Apps• Embedded Space• Big data Technologies• Scientific Applications

Why we need to learn Java??

1. Easy to learn2. Object oriented programming language3. Rich API4. Powerful development tools eg.

Netbeans, Eclipse5. Great collection of open source libraries

6. Wonderful community support7. Java is FREE8. Excellent Documentation support9. Platform Independent10. Java is Everywhere

Main Features

• Open source• Platform Independent• Stack object Allocation• Highly secure• Reusable codes• Behavior & Nature• User & Developer friendly

Integrated Development Environment

Java IDE

• Software Application• To easily write & debug Java programs• Features of IDE

– Syntax Highlighting– Code completion , etc.

IDE’s we use to create Java Apps

• Eclipse• Netbeans• Jcreator• Processing• Blue J• Kawa• Jbuilder• DrJava

Other IDE’s• Geany• IntelliJ IDEA• Jdeveloper• jGRASP• jEdit• MyEclipse• Visual Café• Gel• JIPE• Zeus• Setu IDE


What is Jdk?

• Program development environment• To write applet & applications• It consists of

– Runtime environment– Tools– Programming

Java Runtime Environment


• Part of jdk• Set of programming toolsIt consists of

JVM Core Classes Supporting files

Java Virtual Machine

What is JVM

• A specification• An implementation• Runtime Instance

What JVM does??

• Loads code• Verifies code• Executes code• Provides runtime Environment

JVM Architecture

Java Program Execution

What we can do with Core Java?

• OOP• GUI• Multithreading• Client Server Programming


OOP is

• Programming language model organized around

• objects rather than “actions” &

• data rather than “Logic”

Object Oriented Programming

• Object -Any entity that has state and behavior is known as an object.

• For example: chair, pen, table, keyboard, bike etc.

• Class - Collection of objects 

Example for class and Objects

Class : Employee






Creating objects for a class


E1:object1 E2:object2 E3:object3

OOPs Concept

• Inheritance• Polymorphism• Abstraction• Encapsulation


• When one object acquires all the properties and behaviors of parent object

• It provides code reusability.

• It is used to achieve runtime polymorphism.

Real time Example


• one task is performed by different ways• Types

– Overloading– Overriding



• Hiding internal details and showing functionality 

• For example: phone call, we don't know the internal processing.

Example for Abstraction


• Binding (or wrapping) code and data together into a single unit

Example for Encapsulation

OOP vs Procedure Oriented Programming

• OOPs makes development and maintenance easier

• OOPs provides data hiding

• OOPs provides ability to simulate real-world event much more effectively

• it is not easy to manage.

• global data can be accessed from anywhere.

• We can provide the solution of real word problem if we are using the Object-Oriented Programming language.


Graphical User Interface

• is a type of interface • allows users to interact with electronic

devices • through graphical icons and visual


GUI Components

• Pointer• Pointing Device• Icons• Frame• Panel• Menus

GUI Hierarchy in Java



• It is a process of executing multiple threads simultaneously.

• Thread – lightweight sub-process– a smallest unit of processing

Advantage of Multithreading

• It doesn’t block the user• It can perform many operations together

so it saves time• Independent

Client Server Programming

Java Networking

• It is a concept of connecting two or more computing devices together so that we can share resources.

• Java socket programming provides facility to share data between different computing devices.

Advantage of Networking

• sharing resources

• centralize software management

Java Networking Terminology

• IP Address• Protocol• Port Number• MAC Address• Connection-oriented and connection-less

protocol• Socket

Job Opportunities for Java

Job Vacancies Survey

• More than 16,000 Java positions are open on any given day

• Java was named one of the Top 10 skills hiring managers search for when in the market for cloud candidates, according to latest report

IT Job Roles• Software Engineer• Systems Analyst• Business Analyst• Technical Support• Network Engineer• Technical consultant• Technical Sales• Web developer• Software Tester

Top Companies using Java

Latest in Java

• Latest version of java is jdk 1.8• Launched in 2014• Changes include

– Method References– Parallel sort– Improved integration with Javascript– Addition of Calendar.Builder– Functional Interfaces– Lambda Expressions

Next Session

What’s new in Java 8????