Jan 22 DTC 356 Spring 2014



Slides from DTC 356

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✤ Wednesday January 22nd 2014!

✤ EiM Chapter 2!

✤ 20 Questions


Alphabetical Ordersimple, right?

The Order of Nature

✤ “natural” hierarchy!

✤ Ranks all things. Everything has a place.!

✤ (May only seem natural to those one the top of the chain.)!

✤ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_chain_of_being

Both Work, But Problems Occur When We Mistake Arbitrary Order For The Order Of Nature.

Natural Order versus Arbitrary Order(Personal, limited, contingent, relative) meaning versus no meaning

Arbitrary Order (ex: alphabetical)

✤ First: let’s talk about the difference between arbitrary and random.!

✤ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrariness!

✤ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random!

✤ What are the advantages of using an arbitrary order?

Does Arbitrary = “Intellectual Dereliction?”

✤ “…inherent in the things to be learned we should be able to find intellectual connections.” M. J. Adler!

✤ The joints of nature: places where the world naturally comes apart!

✤ One theory of knowledge: where our ideas and the joints of nature match.

Why choose This Point ?To Discuss Pluto?

Categories Matter

✤ “Everyone’s perspective is valid.”!

✤ “Every perspective is arbitrary.”!

✤ How do we resolve disputes?

What’s the problem with this?

The Order of Nature

✤ “natural” hierarchy!

✤ Ranks all things. Everything has a place.!

✤ (May only seem natural to those one the top of the chain.)!

✤ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_chain_of_being

Both Work, But Problems Occur When We Mistake Arbitrary Order For The Order Of Nature.

Natural Order versus Arbitrary Order(Personal, limited, contingent, relative) meaning versus no meaning

❖ In physical space, some things are nearer than others.

❖ Physical objects can be in only one spot at any one time

❖ physical space is shared

❖ Human physical abilities are limited

❖ the organization of the information needs to be orderly and neat

Some of our choices can shift from

Both / And

Either / Or


Our job:

✤ Our job is to decide when either/or or both/and are the most helpful!

✤ For {users} in {situation}!

✤ HINT: it helps to think in terms of specific goals than it does in overall terms of right/wrong. (This does not require abandoning a particular sense of right/wrong.)

1. amazon.com!

2. wikimedia commons!

3. wikimedia commons!

4. cow photo is public domain!

5. Public domain (great chain of being)!

6. CHRIS DRUMM (either/or)!

7. LeVanHan GNU Free Documentation License!

8. Some rights reserved by Eigappleton (dewey)!

9. takomabibelot (statue)

image credits