jack Clip 4 descent pictures


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The cave shots

Clip 4.


The lighting in clip 4 is done by mild light such as torches and lighters. In the pictures Juno is holding a lighter showing the audience the only light they have is so small trying to light the group of 5 women to try and find there way out. By using this lighter they try and use it to its use and make torches out of rags of their clothes using their survival skills to its use. Also the lighting makes a good effect because what ever side the light or the torch is on lights her one side of the face up leaving another half dark makes a dark space creating an image that something is lurking about.


The location they are in in scene 4 is the cave they are trapped in. The first shot is showing the girls carry Molly through the cave who has snapped her leg from falling down the hole. However knowing they are trapped in the cave they are in they feel water from above thinking it is rain rushing through the tight spaces to try and find the way out. Even though they are traveling through the cave one part shown different skeletons on the floor showing the women that life has been here and not survived and rotted or mauled which spooks them out even more causing more tension. Also lighting each flare discovers new parts of the cave letting the audience to see what is hidden in the cave however the POV shot shows that character can see.


The costumes in clip 4 is suitable for going caving (spelunking) which is the same clothes throughout the film. Especially Juno she wears sporty wear all through the film giving us a impression that she like the stuff she does and that she might be good at it that is why she is the leader of their group.


The props used in this clip are the torches and helmets. Theses are used in the movie to allow the audience to see where the character is if the cave is dark or light. If it is dark they would turn on the light on their helmet to show who they are and what they need to see to get through the cave. But mainly again the lighter is the main light not bright enough to see the whole cave they are in but enough to see what is in their path.


The sound in clip 4 straight away effective how the sounds of rain creates an atmosphere of the cave differently. The sound of the water is carries throughout the clip until it changes location where they are at the part of the cave where there was lots of carcasses and skeletons all over the floor. However the creatures sound is backed in with the water drops bringing fear and tension to viewers and also the 5 women, creating suspense that something is about to happen.
