Introduction to word press


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A Quick Glance on Blog

A blog (short for weblog) is a personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public viewing. Typically, a blog contains a combination of text, graphics and links to relevant websites and other blogs of similar interest. The ability for readers to leave comments on individual posts is also an important feature of most blogs.

A blog may also contain widgets and plugins to enhance its functionality. A widget is a small web application, containing dynamic (changing) content, which can be added to any blog. They provide a simple way to arrange the various elements of the sidebar content without changing any code. They includeitems such as the blogroll which is a list of links to other blogs. Other popular widgets are online polls and calendars. Plugins are also small web applications that are usually installed with your blogging software to provide extra features that are not already available. Plugins support the use of multimedia items such as audio for podcasting and video or adding Google maps to the site. Using widgets and plugins in your blog will be covered later in the module.

Brief introduction and history of WordPress

WordPress is a blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. WordPress is currently the most popular blogging system in use on the Web, powering over 60 million websites worldwide. WordPress is an Open Source project, which means there are hundreds of people all over the world working on it . It also means you are free to use it for any website or blog without paying any license fee.

WordPress started similarly to many other popular open source software packages: Some talented developers saw a need to create a powerful, simple tool based on an existing project licensed under the GPL.(general public license) . It is the official successor of b2/cafelog. WordPress is modern software, but its roots and development go back to 2001.

• 2001 - b2 cafelog launched by Michel Valdrighi.

• 2003 - Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little fork b2 and create WordPress.

• 2004 - Plugins were introduced.

• Up till 2012- Development Regarding plugins, widgets, themes and other components.

• 2012 - Version 3.4 (Green) introduced the theme customizer and theme previewer. Version 3.5 (Elvin) introduced the new media manager and the new default theme called "Twenty Twelve"

Advantages Over Other WCMSs

More Than one Options of Installation.

Easy installation.

installation package is Small in size.

Minimum System Requirements/ requisites.

Self hosting.

Very Easy To Use.

Open Source (Freely available).

Installation package is Small in size.

Freely Availability of impressive themes, gadgets and other plugins.

More Users More Help available.

Setting Up Worpress blog or website

Wordpress website or blog can be set up by two ways. Its optional installation distinguishes it from other content management systems . People of the world intend to use WordPress because of its real-time publishing and free hosting.

Setting Up WordPress Site on local hosting server

Setting Up WordPress Site on Online Hosting Server

Setting Up Worpress On



To run WordPress your host just needs a couple of things:• PHP version 5.2.4 or greater• MySQL version 5.0 or greater

Install Wamp Server 5 or above version.

Step:2visit and download the install package.This folder will be in .zip extension having size less than 6 mbs. extract the downloaded folder and place it in “C:\wamp\www”


• Open phpMyAdmin and create new data base for WordPress site.• Give this database an appropriate name. Say “WordPress”.• Create a user with Nice name and strong password.• Assign all rights of newly created database to this user.


• Open “http://localhost/wordpress/”

This page will has an option to create the wp-Config.php file. Wp-Config.php file can be created manually by modifying the wp-Config-Sample.php but to create it automatically is more preferable. Click on create button.

Setting Up Worpress On

Open Browser.Go to www.wordpress.comFollow the instructions.No need to install the Wamp and no need to download the wordpress install packageEstablish Your Site Online for free..

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