Introduction to health[1]


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Introduction to


What does it mean to be “healthy”?

• Health is the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.


• Making a lifetime commitment to practice healthful behaviors can improve your long-term well being.

• Everyday we make decisions that affect our health.

Health Triangle• A combination of Physical, Social, and Mental/Emotional Health make-

up your overall well-being.

Health Continuum

Improved Health and Wellness

Loss of Health and Wellness

Chronic Disorders

Lack of energy, inattention, minor aches and pains

Free from aches and pains

Moderate level of energy

Optimal level of energy, feeling of well-being

Wellness is an overall state of well-being or total health.

Factors Affecting Your Health Heredity: all the traits that were biologically passed on to

you from your parents.

Environment: the sum of all of your surroundings

Peers: people of the same age who share similar interest

Culture: the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group

Media Technology Attitude Behavior

Risk Behaviors Risk Behaviors are actions that can potentially threaten your health

or the health of others.

CDC’s Six Risk Behaviors

• Tobacco Use

• Unhealthy Dietary Behaviors

• Inadequate Physical Activity

• Alcohol and Other Drug Use

• Risky Sexual Behaviors

• Behaviors that Contribute to Unintentional Injuries and Violence


Cumulative Risks: related risks that increase in effect with each added risk.

Prevention: taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse.

Abstinence: deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors, including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.

Lifestyle Factors: personal habits or behaviors related to the way a person lives.

Risks and Consequences


Turn to your partner and discuss the different lifestyle factors that you have that either negatively or positively affect your health. (5 min)

Class discussion: each partnership name at off one that hasn’t been previously mentioned (5 min)• Partner A: What the factor is?• Partner B: Negative or positive

Lifestyle FactorsGetting 8 hours of sleep each nightStarting each day with a healthy breakfastEating a variety of nutritious foods each dayBeing physically active for 30-60 minutes

most days of the weekMaintaining a healthy weightAbstaining from smoking or using other

tobacco productsAbstaining form the use of alcohol and other

drugsChoose to remain abstinent until marriage.

Things that teens do on a regular basis that negatively impact

healthWearing safety equipment (bike helmets, seat belts) ( Following Safety Procedures (tackling correctly) Texting and Driving ( (story- icy roads)Personal Info on internet ( out game ( youtube videoHealthy Eating/ Physical Activity ( fun of other people (story-father in law)Ditching school ( Drinks ( (

“It is health that is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.”


“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to

regain their health.”


“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.”

-Spanish Proverb
