Introducing me


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  1. 1. By Patrick Ryder Boivin
  2. 2. Jean-Luc Patrick Ryder Norman Boivin Patrick Norman Boivin is my legal name I prefer Patrick Ryder Boivin I was given the name Jean-Luc because my family is French Patrick comes from my Irish background Norman is the name of my moms brother that died
  3. 3. I was born on June 10, 1998 in Dublin, Ireland I was adopted from Ireland and raised in Falher, Alberta
  4. 4. I moved to Nanaimo in 2012 and Ive been living here for 3 years now Residency
  5. 5. First Trait I am very active and sporty
  6. 6. Second Trait I am a very honest person. Ask me to be honest and I will give the honest answer no matter how brutal it is
  7. 7. Third Trait My third trait is boredom. I tend to get bored really easily if I try to focus on something too long
  8. 8. Fourth Trait My friends tell me I am really funny and that when ever they feel down I always find a way to cheer them up and get then laughing
  9. 9. I care very deeply about my family. They mean the world to me and I would do anything to make them happy
  10. 10. I feel really happy when Im around my friends and family
  11. 11. I need to find a way to more money than I do already
  12. 12. I like to give advice to my friends when theyre in a stump and dont know what to do
  13. 13. What I fear the most is losing my closest friends that I got
  14. 14. I would like to go see another WWE live event
  15. 15. My Pets This is my pet dog Kilo
  16. 16. I'm am really in to sports Ive played basketball and hockey
  17. 17. Im a volunteer youth leader at generations church
  18. 18. I dont have one at the moment, but Im hoping to get a jumpstart in music production
  19. 19. The farthest Ive travel was from Alberta to here
  20. 20. My mom on the left My step-dad in the middle My brother Joel on the right My Family
