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Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

As my magazine follows a very similar style to that of

“Rolling Stone” I would be inclined to say that the

magazine would be self-published. However, looking

at the current state of the market and how hard it is

to get recognised and standout how my magazine is

designed at aimed at my target audience I would be

inclined to publish with a major publish such as

“Bauer”. The reason is the company is experienced

with publishing music magazines and this genre of

music magazine is missing from their portfolio and

would fit nicely without creating a conflict of interest

within the company. The company would also allow

for mass publication of the magazine so it could

attract more readers to create additional revenue.

As a side note the only way “Rolling Stone” has been

able to be self-published is being an old magazine

having been around for nearly 5 decades and has had

time to establish itself. In similar circumstances to

now they most likely would’ve joined a publisher.

Publishing the magazine would give a large platform for readership and the types of places the

magazine would be available are stores (WH smiths, Supermarkets, target audience shops e.g.

salters) that the target audience would be interested in shopping at so it would be easier for the

target audience to access the magazine and discover the magazine

“Bauer” additionally have experience with dealing in cross platform mediums and with declining

sales in magazine and an ever increasing online presence it is essential that the publisher the

magazine works with has experience in online versions of publishing and the creation of apps.

Additionally, the use of TV stations and radio stations to expose the magazine would be good to

increase sales.

The main reason for choosing “Bauer” over everyone else or going it alone is experience and the

capacity for sales and the wide range of opportunities for the magazine. Not only this but I think it

would work best for the target audience having a wide range of outlets to access content.
