Institution research warner brothers


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Name Omer Rehan

Class As-E

Warner Brothers

Harry, Albert and Sam these three brothers started the film making company with the name of Warner brothers. These three brothers began in the movie theater business having acquired a movie projector with which they showed films in the mining towns of Pennsylvania and Ohio. In the beginning Sam and Albert Warner invested $150 to present life of an American fireman and the great Train Robbery. They opened their first theater in New castle, Pennsylvania in 1903. Later that theater became a shopping center, dining and entertainment complex.

In 1904 the warner founded the Pittsburgh based Duquesne Amusement and Supply company to distribute films. In 1912 Harry Warner hired an auditor named Paul Ashley chase. By the time of World War 1 they had begun producing films and in 1918 the brothers opened the Warner brother’s studio on sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. Sam and Jack Warner produced the pictures while Harry and Albert Warner and their auditor and now controller chase handled finance and distribution in New York City. It was during World War 1 and their first nationally syndicated film was “My Four Year in Germany” this movie was based on a famous book by former American Ambassador James W. Gerard.

In 1928 Warner Bros released the movie called lights of New York the first all taking feather. Due to its success the movie industry converted entirely to sound almost overnight. By the end of 1929 all the major studios were exclusively making sound films. In 1929 national picture released their first film with Warner Bros. the first color movie by the Warner Bros was On with the Show and this was followed by Gold Diggers of Broadway which was so popular it played in theaters until 1939. The success of these two color pictures caused a color revolution. After gaining a lot of success in these color movie they released a large number of color films and some of them are Bright lights, Golden dawn, Song of the flame, Song of the West and The life of the Party. The majority of these color films were musical.

Warner Bros is one of the most popular film industries in the whole wide nation. Every year Warner Bros create 16 to 20 movies. Warner Bros focuses on all kind of movies which includes romance, drama, action, thriller and fantasy.

Warner Bros movies have a rich story line with all the known and famous actors. Warner Bros usually make high budget movies and they also have very Hi Tec machinery and camera for film production.

Some famous movies by Warner Brothers are


In to the storm

Harry Potter



300 rise of empire



Edge of tomorrow


The Lego Movie

And some of the Famous Cartoons by warner brothers are

Looney tunes


Scooby doo

Hanna Barbera

Cartoon Monsoon


Thunder cat

Tom and Jerry
