Initial ideas finished


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Assignment 12: Initial ideasLUKE DREELAN

Idea 1: Shawn Mendes – Treat you better – pop 

Style of the artist: a simple white tee with a flannel shirt over top with black tight skinny jeans and  black converse's and glasses with a beanie or a snood. (similar to the photo)What will happen: the video will be mainly narrative with some performance in the narrative in the chorus of the song. The narrative will be about a couple who are always fighting due to the boy being abusive and the artist keeps seeing this violence and steps in to help the girl she then runs off. The girl starts to show a liking to the artist as they see each other on the street and chat but she doesn’t leave her abusive boyfriend. In the chorus there is an abusive scene and then the scene will freeze and the artist will appear in the room as if time had stopped and he and the girl were the only ones that could move as he sings they begin to fall in love and in the last chorus they kiss.This meets the conventions of the genre because: there is a love story where someone is saved from a problem and then falls in love.      

Idea 2: James Arthur – Impossible – pop

Style of the artist: black trousers with smart shoes, a black shirt that is untucked, a maroon autumn coat and a grey scarf.What will happen: the video will be mainly performance with the artist at the top of a building where he will be singing there will be small flash backs to the past that will be black and white showing the artist happy with a partner but then It will flash back to him singing and being upset.This fits the conventions because: there will be emotion to match the lyrics and the setting will match the lyrics.

Idea 3: Twenty One Pilots – Heavens – pop

Style of the artist: the artist will be wearing gothic like clothing such as black leather jacket big rings and wristbands with spikes and black jeans and black t-shirt and could have some creepy make up on.What will happen: the video will be very conceptual and creepy with the artist in a dark room that has skulls and jars with animals or creepy things with just one light on the floor pointing at the artist from below (like the picture) this will make the video more creepy.This fits the conventions because: the conceptual video fits the type of song it is with the dark/creepy feel of the song.