Ingles noveno grado periodo 1


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Asking to do things – asking for permission

Asking for permission

Asking Saying Yes Saying No

Can I...? Yes, sure Well, I'm afraid...+ reason

Could I...?Could I possibly...?Is it all right if I...?Do you think I could...?

Yes, of course.Yes, that's fine.Certainly.

Well, the problem is...

Do you mind if I...? No, not at all.No, of course not. Sorry, but...

Asking others to do things – making requests

Asking Saying Yes Saying No

Can you...? Yes, sure. Well, I'm afraid + reason

Could you...?Is it all right if you...?Do you think you could...?Will you...?Would you...?

Yes, of course.Certainly.

Well, the problem isSorry, but...

Do you mind -ing...?Would you mind -ing...?

No, not at all.Of course not.

Use 'Would you mind if I...? Could I possibly...? Could you possibly...? Do you think you could...? to sound more polite.Remember that 'Do you mind...?' and 'Would you mind...?' mean 'Is it a problem for you?' so the polite answer when we 'say yes' is 'No'.



Word Order

The Subject and the ObjectThe subject of a sentence sometimes does something to someone or something else.The person or thing that receives the action is called the object.

Susan has bought a painting. Hannah is reading her book.The twins climbed the hill. James stroked the cat.Mom is holding the baby. Jacob is making a kite.They were playing football. I am writing a story.Emma crossed the street. You have forgotten your umbrella.

Direct and Indirect Objects

The indirect object usually comes before the direct object.Some verbs have two objects. The direct object receives the action of the verb. The indirect object tells to whom or for whom the action is done.

Dad bought James a bike. The bank lends people money.Madison is making her doll a dress. I am writing Grandma a letter.Grandma is reading Diana a story. Andrew gave his dog a bone.We left you some food. Joshua is showing us his stamps.Miss Lee found Alice a chair.

Exercise 1Lee las sisiguientes oraciones y subraya los sujetos; luego encierra en un círculo los complementos (objects)

1 Anne has drawn a panda. 2 They are playing table tennis.3 Little Kate knows the alphabet well. 4 Dad bought a computer.5 I am writing a letter. 6 Birds have feathers.7 The workmen are building a house. 8 Samantha has a pretty doll.9 The children received one gift each. 10 Do you know the answer?

Exercise 2Hay dos tipos de complementos en cada oración. Subraya los directos y encierra en un círculo los indirectos.

1 Dad gave Dave a present. 2 Mom is making the children a meal.3 Mr. Thomas bought them ice cream cones. 4 I sent Anne a birthday card.5 Granny told us a story. 6 The waiter brought the guests their drinks.7 Can I get you a sandwich? 8 The police officer showed us the way to the museum.

Información Personal.

Exercise 1Complete the exercises.

His name is Jon Thomas. He is not married.

His first name is: _________His last name is: _________He is: ____________He is a: __________

Her name is Lisa Johnson. She was married.

Her fist name is: ___________Her last name is: __________She is a: ________She is: _________



Exercise 2Une con una línea cada palabras de la primera columna, con la correspondiente en la segunda columna.

Date of birth engineerAge New YorkOccupation 23Address 127 Calle MiramarCity June 6, 1987

Date of birth New YorkAge studentOccupation 22Address April 21, 1988City 131 Calle Miramar

Exercise 3Une con una línea cada palabras de la primera columna, con la correspondiente en la segunda columna.

First name: MemphisLast name: 08/30/197Address: 15 President Road City MaleState WilkinsonCell phone Tennessee Email: 666 777 8899Sex: Learning foreign languagesDate of birth: AccountantMarital status: JohnOccupation: marriedHeight: 5 feet 7 inchesWeight: brownEyes: john.wilkinson@myfakeprovider.comHobbies: 120 pounds

4. Expreso mis gustos y preferencias sobre temas que he trabajado en clase

Talking about likes and dislikes

Expressing likes and dislikesTo talk about your likes and dislikes, you can use these expressions.



Expressing likes:I like… I love... I adore…I ‘m crazy about… I’m mad about… I enjoy…I’m keen on…

Expressing dislikes:I don’t like… I dislike... I hate…I abhor… I can’t bear... I can’t stand…I detest... I loathe...

Examples of likes and dislikes :I'm mad about basketball, but I can’t bear ice hockey.I adore reading poetry, but I loathe doing the housework."I don't mind doing the housework."

Things to remember about likes and dislikes:1. When these expressions are followed by a verb, the latter is put in the -ing form.

Examples:"I like listening to music.""I hate wearing sunglasses."

ExerciseRealiza una table similar a la que ves abajo y completala con tus propios gustos y preferencias.


I likeVERB+INGI detest

I don't mind


Expressions Used when Asking for and Giving Opinions

What do you think of…?. I think / I guessWhat is your opinion about...? In my opinion ( I suppose…Do you agree that…? No, not really / I agree / I don’t agreeAre you in favor of…? Yes, I am.

Asking for opinions                                Giving OpinionsDo you think that….?                              I agree / I don’t agree.What do you think about….?                  I think so / I don’t think so.What’s your opinion on….?                    I believe that / I don’t believe that.Do you believe that…..?                         I’m not sure / Maybe.Is that right / correct?                              For me, it’s important that……  Do you think it’s a good idea that….      In my opinion…. 

Expressing opinions about friends.

Ask your partner’s opinion about: T.V. programs Your school Food in the canteenThe English language Your teachers smoking

Asking for and giving opinions

So, do you think it’s a good idea? Talking Point: What is the difference between a fact and an opinion?

Ejercicio:(Diálogo en parejas) En el lenguaje escrito ¿cómo distingues una opinión de un hecho? EjemplosAhora; ¿en inglés?

Conversation 1 (DAVE)

A: So Dave, what do you think makes a good friend?B: Well for me, a friend is someone who is good fun to be with.A: Hm…fun to be with? Can you give me an example?B: I like friends who like to go out and have fun together – go down town, go to the beach, see a movie, something like that.A: So….does that mean a friend has to like the same things you do?B: No…not really, just that they have a fun personality. You know, fun to be with whatever we do.

Ejecutar el video / audio unas dos veces y preguntar por lo que han entendido.Escribir el diálogo. Las alumnas lo escriben en sus cuadernos y lo traducen.



¿Cuál es el la palabra clave aquí? Have funDoes that mean a friend has to like the same things you do?Woul you have a friend who does not like the same thing you do?

Conversation 2 (LAURA)

A: So, do you have lots of friends?B: I guess so.A: What do you think makes a good friend?B: Hah…good friend….well, a good friend helps you when you have a problem.A: Hmm…do you think that’s the most important thing?B: Yeah, friends help each other. I really think so.A: Well, what kinds of problems does your best friend help you with?B: Well, that’s kind of personal.

Ejecutar el video / audio unas dos veces y preguntar por lo que han entendido.Escribir el diálogo. Las alumnas lo escriben en sus cuadernos y lo traducen.¿Cuál es el la palabra clave aquí? Helping each otherA good friend helps you. It’s this the most important in a friendship?

Conversation 3 (STANLEY)

A: Some people say friends are always honest with each other. Do you agree?B: I completely agree. Friends need to be completely honest. One little lie and the friendship just disappears.A: Ah, that’s pretty strong language. Do you really think that?B: Yeah. Once, one of my good friends lied to me. He was a really good friend, and I just felt completely betrayed. It destroyed the friendship.

Ejecutar el video / audio unas dos veces y preguntar por lo que han entendido.Escribir el diálogo. Las alumnas lo escriben en sus cuadernos y lo traducen.¿Cuál es el la palabra clave aquí? HonestyOne little lie and the friendship just disappears. It’s a little lie is enough to finish a friendship?



Grupos sociales.

Hacer un breve listado de grupos sociales en el sector de residencia. P.e.: tercera edad, grupos de baile, de caminantes, deportivos; A. A., hogar comunitario; etc.

Escoger uno de esos grupos sociales y consultar información completa sobre él. Por ejemplo: responsable, frecuencia de reuniones o entrenamiento, un poco de historia, participaciones que ha tenido y reconocimientos, normas básicas de grupo.

