Industrial revolution




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What was the industrial revolution?

It was a big change in the way people produced goods. Craft workers were replaced by machines and people became from being agricultural to be INDUSTRIAL.

When it first started?

The industrial revolution began in Britain in the late 1700s. It spread to the rest of European countries some decades later. It was not until 1800 that the industrial revolution started in the United States

Why Britain?Due to the coal found in the northern part of England.

Back then, the only source of energy was woods. When they learnt that coal was a more efficient fuel they started using it. That is why Britain was the first country TOUCHED by the industrial revolution.

Population went from being agricultural to industrial.

People moved out from the country side to the growing cities.

People’s ideas were worthy. People startedto appreciate other people’s cleverness andopinions. That meant a big changed in people’s beliefs

InventionsDuring this time there were also much new advancement in technology. Some of the biggest advancements were in steam power.

The first reliable steam boat Telegraph.

Sewing machine Drains and Toilets

A Dark Side Children were forced to work in the first factories 16 hours a day and many workers did not have good salaries andhad very poor work conditions.

The Industrial Revolution was not a good revolution for the earth.  Industry was releasing huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and waste into the waterways and soil. 

