India Caste System and Hinduism


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Classical India

The Rise of Hinduism and the

Caste System

I. Classical Indian civilization began in the Indus River Valley, spread to the Ganges River Valley, and then spread

throughout the Indian subcontinent. This spread continued with little interruption because of the geographic location.

A. Why were physical geography and location important to the development of Indian


1. Physical barriers: Himalayas, Hindu Kush & Indian Ocean made invasion difficult

2. Mountain passes in the Hindu Kush provided migration routes into the Indian


3. The Indus & Ganges were most important rivers, for life & spiritual importance.

II. Indo-European Aryans migrated into the area, creating a structured society (caste system) and blending their beliefs

with those of the indigenous people.

A. What impact did the Aryans have on India?

1. Aryans migrated into subcontinent, asserted dominance

2. Brought religion; holy books = Vedas – Vedic religion evolved into


3. Established new social order Caste System



Hindu Kush Mountains

Indo-European Migrations

Mass Migrations from the Steppes to Europe, Anatolia, and India


Khyber Pass

Through Hindu Kush Mts.

There are four main class levels or Varna’s in the

caste system, Brahmans, Kshatrias, Vaishias, and

Sundras. According to the religious aspect of the

ancient creation myth, each level of class was

created from each body part of Purush. In reference

to the ancient Hindu book, Purush was the primal

man. The body parts of Purush play a significant

part in establishing boundaries of the caste system.

It is understood that Purush destroyed himself in

order to create human society. Each part of the body

determined a level class based on its order from the

top to the bottom. The Brahmans which were

created from Purush’s head were acknowledged as

the highest level of the caste system. Following

Brahmans were the Kshatrias created from his

hands, Vaishias (thighs), and its lowest class,

Sundras (feet).

Creation of the Indian Caste System

No Social

Mobility! –

born & die in

same caste

III. Hinduism was an important contribution of classical India.A. What are the beliefs of the Hindu religion?

1. No single founder – evolved from Aryan Vedic traditions

2. Interconnectedness of life; Atman = individual soul; & Brahman = world


3. Reincarnation – rebirth of soul through many lifetimes

4. Dharma – duties specific to each caste; pride in fulfilling Dharma

5. Karma – all thoughts & actions result in future consequences (good or bad)

6. Moksha – spiritual goal for Hindus; release from cycle of rebirth; join

world soulBirth





IV. Hindu GodsA. How did Hindus view their gods? Many incarnations of one god -


1. Brahma – the Creator

2. Vishnu – the Protector

3. Shiva – the Destroyer

IV. Hinduism relied on sacred literature as a foundation of the religion.

A. What were the “Sacred Writings” of Hinduism?

1. Vedas = beginning of Hindu religion

2. Upanishads = introduced idea of universal spirit & separation

from material world

3. Mahabharata = 106,000 verse epic Indian poem; addressing

good & evil; importance of Dharma.



IV. Hinduism influenced Indian society and culture and is still practiced in India today.

A. How did Hinduism influence Indian society and culture?

1. Karma & reincarnation strengthened Caste System

2. Caste System influenced all social interactions & occupations


4. Hindu culture spread to SE Asia along trade routes.

No Social Mobility – born & die in same caste


Siddhartha Gautama searches for


320-550 C.E.324-184 B.C.E.

2 Classical Indian Empires

I. Mauryan Empire = First empire to unite much

of India

A. Chandragupta = 1st Emperor of India

1. Chandragupta raised a vast army

a. 600,000 soldiers, 30,000 cavalry, 9,000


b. Around 321 B.C. he united most of India

for the first time.

c. he created a highly organized


B. Ashoka - Greatest Mauryan ruler

1. Ashoka adopts Buddhist ideals after

witnessing the bloodshed and carnage of war.

2. converted to Buddhism and encouraged

righteous living

3. Ashoka saw himself as a father to his people

C. Ashoka’s Edicts

1. Edict = official declarations of laws and

expectations posted for public display.

2. Edicts dealt with: Buddhist Values, Justice,

Security, General Welfare

D. Period Between Mauryan and Gupta


1. The subcontinent broke into small

kingdoms again.

II. The Gupta Empire – The Golden Age of India!

A. After 500 years of turmoil – the Gupta reunite India

B. Indian culture flourishes under the Gupta

C. Gupta Golden Age –Advancements in many

different areas

1. math

2. literature

3. painting

4. sculpture

5. universities

6. architecture

Ashoka’s Edicts

Ashoka’s Rock


The Golden Age of the Gupta Empire






architecture sculpture

Concept of Zero!

Critical Introduction

Write a thesis comparing the

Mauryan and Gupta Empires.

Critical Introduction

Discuss the ways in which the caste

system effected daily Indian life?
