Improving your speaking voice


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What are the qualities of a singer that would make you want to listen to him/her more often?

Voice pertains to the quality of sound that would be produced while speaking.

Improving your Speaking voice

Making it clear and purposive

Here are the guidelines to improve your voice

• Tight muscles can cause an

unpleasant or unnatural voice. Thus,

you need to relax the throat and

lower the jaw muscles to form full,

round tones.

• Vary your tones. Pitch means the highness or lowness of the tone of your voice.

- Practically Use a medium pitch.

- Change the pitch of your voice to express your feelings about what you are saying. For words that express light or happy ideas, use a high pitch. For words that express serious or sad ideas, use a low pitch.

•You generally need not to talk loudly nor hurriedly.

•When having a conversation with someone, speak in normal volume and pace.

•When having a conversation with a small group of people, you may speak a little louder and a little slower than normal in case there are people who are seated or who are standing far from you.

•However, when speaking before an audience, you need to project your voice toward the back of the room. Speak loudly but don’t shout. You may repeat important words, phrases, or even statements to make sure that the audience gets what you are saying.

Let’s try this !!!• say “YES” bearing the following moods

happy confused

sad angry

worried surprised

•What have you observed in the drill?

• What makes it difficult to perform?

• How would your success in performing this drill be a great help in your communication skills?

• What generalization about speaking did you learn from the drill?
