Important Issues of Distance Education at "Anytown Community College"


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Presented By:Jessica Fantini

Important Issues of Distance Education

atAnytown Community College


PurposeThe purpose of this presentation is to provide

information for Anytown Community College to address the addition of a distance education program.

Included in the presentation: The issues that need to be analyzed before any

additions can be Suggestions on how to address these issues

Overview of Presentation Issues to be addressed in distance learning

FacultyMotivation & SupportOrientation

Student interestProgram offeringSupportCommunicationTechnology

Existing and emerging technologyAnalysis of characteristics

Suggestions on how to address these issuesA vision for distance education at ACC

Wrap Up Question & Answer Session

Issues of Additions of Distance Learning

Faculty Student Interest Existing & Emerging

TechnologyMotivation Program

OfferingAnalysis of

CharacteristicsSupport Support

Orientation Communication


FacultyImportance – Content/Learner centered >

teacher centeredTraditional vs. Distance Learning

Chair of the faculty senate involvement is neededMotivation & SupportAdvisor

OrientationWho’s responsible?

(Simnson et al., 2006).

Faculty OrientationImportance of an orientation

Unfamiliar with distance educationMotivation

Added responsibilitiesTime Commitment

Confront fears/doubtsOffer support

GoalsContinuous support and motivationConferences & Workshops throughout the


Student InterestSaltsman and Shelton stated that the number

of students engaged in distance education will only increase over time (2005). Higher demand = Good opportunity

Concerns:Program availability

What are the big interest programs?Support from Faculty

Support from the InstitutionCommunicationTechnology

Existing & Emerging Technology

An Aid to Anytown Community CollegeOnly if user friendly

Existing TechnologyWebCTBlackboardPeopleSoftMoodle

Emerging TechnologyFacebookMyspaceLinkedin


OrientationAnnual ConferencesWorkshops



TechnologyExisting & Emerging

Social Networking

A Vision for ACCEmbrace the current changes to better the

institutional changes.

Anytown Community College is capable of transitioning to distance education if the right steps are followed.

Distance education is growing and it is the right time for ACC to start making the necessary changes.

Economical hardship may be cause of enrollment

Wrap UpFaculty

need to be oriented into the changes that distance education offers as well as the benefits and changes that will need to be put into place.

Studentswill explore distance education if there is something that

can help them in their educational journey; something that is able to benefit them but also isn’t entirely too difficult to understand. Support needs to be there on all levels; for all parties involved and from all parties involved.

Technologywill get the distance education program started but it

alone will not keep it afloat. Administration will need to do a great deal of exploring to find ample programs that are user friendly.

ReferencesSaltsman, G., & Shelton, K. (2005). An

administrator’s guide to online education.Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2006). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education. (3rd Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Questions & Answers

Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
