Importance Of Presentation For Managers (27.08.09)




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  • 1. Importance of Presentation for Managers

2. History

  • The first version of presentation was developed by Robert Gaskins & Dennis Austin for Forethought Inc.
  • It was originally designed for the Macintosh computer.
  • In the August of 1987 Forethought was bought by Microsoft for $14 million USD.

3. Glorious Beginning

  • In August 2006 in Centennial, Colorado, United States apresentation"went viral"on the Web and, as of June 2007, had been seen by at least5 million online viewers . The number of viewers increased by a whopping400%and become a HISTORY in itself and that was the starting to the glorious years of PRESENTATION.

4. Role Of Managers

  • The three vital determinants of team work are Manager Subordinates and the Environment. These factors are interdependent. It is the managers responsibility to make the environment conducive to work, and to motivate the employee to work as team.


  • Manager is a representative of subordinates.
  • He strives for effectiveness.
  • Understands and conveys meaning of a system.
  • Helps his peopleto see themselves as components in a system.

Role Of Managers(not exclusive) 6. Role Of Managers Legal authorities SuperiorsClients Subordinates ColleaguesCreditors Manager Board Members Shareholders 7. Managers Problems(not exclusive)

  • Communication with vast number of peoples.
  • Lack of Time.
  • Deciding facts with evidences.
  • Convincing others.

8. Options

  • Report.
  • Seminars.
  • Face to face interaction.
  • Telecommunication

9. Advantage

  • Management is the art of getting things done.
  • A Presentation is a fast and potentially effective method of getting things done through other people.
  • Presentations are used as a formal method for bringing people together to plan, monitor and review its progress.

10. Advantages

  • To show your point in a manner people can see visually.
  • It helps the manager to present 360 degree view.
  • To make you less nervous since they will be looking at the power point presentation not you.

11. Flashing Future

  • We have seen the glorious history and we went through the shining present
  • Now lets consider & predict the future for presentation -as the sword in the hand of a musketeer, in future presentation will be regarded as the sanjivni for the mangers till the time continues.

