Importance of Engineering Education



Why it is important to teacher engineering to K-12 students. Misconceptions and constructivism in the context of engineering and science education.

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Teachers Institute IIYour Facilitators:

Beth Eschenbach, Ph.D.*Jim Zoellick +

Erin Cearley*#

Lonny Grafman*Andrea Allen*+

Steven Medina*

Environmental Resources Engineering*Schatz Energy Research Center+

Redwood Sciences Project#

Assessment: Brandie Wilson, M.A.

Outline for the Week

Monday • What is Design?• Buoyancy and

Heat Transfer – Penny Boats & Save the Penguins

Tues. & Wednesday

• Chemistry, Design and Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Thursday & Friday• Physics - Bridge


Thursday Afternoon & Dinner (4-7)

• Work with local engineers to incorporate engineering into your own lesson plans

Outline for the Day

• Check In• Pre – Assessment• Why are we

here?• Introductions &

Expectations• Buoyancy Design

Problem• Break• What is Design• Thurs.


• Lunch• Heat-Transfer:

Save the Penguins • Teamwork

Discussion• How to use

curriculum in your class?

• Post-Assessment• Minute Paper

The Shrinking Pie

•Only 4% of 9th graders graduate in S&E

•Up to 60% lost in college

•32% CCC transfers

from Susan Hackwood, Board member of California Council on Science and Technology

Source: Department of Finance.

California’s racial diversification 2006-2020 projection









2006 2020

from Susan Hackwood, Board member of California Council on Science and Technology

Failure to achieve in education will have economic consequences

Projected Change in Personal Income per Capita by State, 2000-2020Source: National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (2005)

from Susan Hackwood, Board member of California Council on Science and Technology

The future of engineering depends on preparedness and interest of school

children. We all must play a greater role in developing the future engineering

student.• We need more better

prepared K-12 STEM teachers.

• National effort to “market and brand” engineering so students, teachers and parents will know what

engineering is.

Rather than focus on skills in math and science, we need to convey the

excitement and impact of engineering.

Engineers Are Creative Problem Solvers!Engineers Shape The Future!Engineering Is Essential To Our Health, Happiness and Safety!

Engineers Make A World Of Difference!

Summer 2007 - CSU Deans of Engineering request funding for CSU

Engineering Academies to recruit (and retain) a larger and more

diverse pool of engineering students.

Dec. 2007 - Proposal to Bring 20,000 New Engineers to California’s Workforce by 2014


Project Goal

to facilitate the presentation of more

engineering concepts in our region’s K-12


in order to expand and diversify

the pool of incoming students

who are well prepared and eager

to enter as engineering majors.Source:

The Design Your Future: North Coast Engineering Academies has three


1.Teacher Professional Development

2. Co-Curricular offering of ENGR 215 Introduction to Design

3. Community Building: Teachers, Students, & Engineers.

3. Community Building: Teachers, Students, Parents & Engineers.

Thank you to Principal Jennifer Lane, Teacher Forrest Stamper and the Hoopa Valley High School ENGR 215 class for trying our pilot


Name Game

• First person to learn everyone’s name in the room will get a $20 certificate to the HSU bookstore.

DYF Teacher Institute Introductions & Expectations

Please state your name,

what you are teaching this fall, and

what you are hoping to get our of our

institute this week.

Adapted from Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework, October 2006, page 81. by Richards, Schnittka & Donohue, ASEE 2009


Science Engineering


Seek to understand the natural world

Design products and processes to meet needs and solve problems

Systems of products and processes

built from engineering designs

Relationship between STEM Disciplines

Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework, October 2006, page 84. Adapted by Richards, Schnittka & Donohue, ASEE 2009

1. Identify the need or


6. Test and evaluate

7. Communicate the solutions

4. Select the best possible


5. Construct a prototype

2. Research the need or


8. Redesign

3. Develop possible solutions

The engineering design process provides a framework for inquiry

based learning

Introduction to ETK

ETKs (Engineering Teaching Kits) were developed at Univ.

of Virginia by Senior Engineering Students. ETKs

include:• Teacher’s guide with unit overview• Review of relevant concepts• Plans for five 50 minute activity periods• Assessment instruments

You will receive paper & electronic versions of ETKs materials

Today we will consider students’ misconceptions and take a constructivist

approach to learning

A body immersed in a fluid is subject to an upward force equal in magnitude to the weight of the displaced fluid and by Richards, Schnittka & Donohue, ASEE 2009

Archimedes supposedly derived this principle from noting that the amount of water spilled from his bath was equal in volume to the submerged part of his body

Let’s try it with buoyancy and Archimedes principle.

• Completely submerged objects with equal masses, but different volumes, will experience different buoyant forces.

• In a more dense the fluid, the upwards force will be greater because the fluid displaced will weigh more.

More on buoyancy… Density Matters!!

Design Objective: Using one piece of foil, design a vessel that will float and carry the highest number of pennies.

You have ____ minutes

Work in groups of ____ People

Make sure everyone gets to “touch”

Minute Paper

• What is the most important thing you have learned today?

• What questions do you still have?• Feedback
