Importance of-collective-work-or-jamaah-


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Summary SlideSummary Slide Importance of collective work Importance of collective work DefinitionDefinition Jama’ah and Al Jama’ahJama’ah and Al Jama’ah Reasons for emphasis upon Jama’ahReasons for emphasis upon Jama’ah Jama’ah and other organizationsJama’ah and other organizations Jama’ah and sectsJama’ah and sects GoalGoal Few characteristics of Islamic messageFew characteristics of Islamic message 5 Basic organizational features5 Basic organizational features 3 Stages of work3 Stages of work General guidelines for Jama’ah methodologyGeneral guidelines for Jama’ah methodology

Importance of Collective Importance of Collective WorkWork

Prophet emphasized Prophet emphasized upon collective work.upon collective work.

““Hold fast to al-Jama’ah and stay Hold fast to al-Jama’ah and stay away from division.” (Ttirmizi)away from division.” (Ttirmizi)

““I order you of five things: to be with I order you of five things: to be with

al jama’ah, to listen to the leaders, to al jama’ah, to listen to the leaders, to obey the leader’s orders, hijrah, and obey the leader’s orders, hijrah, and jihad.” (Tirmizi)jihad.” (Tirmizi)

““Whosoever obeyed the leader, he Whosoever obeyed the leader, he obeyed me (i.e., the Prophet) and obeyed me (i.e., the Prophet) and whosoever disobeyed the leader, he whosoever disobeyed the leader, he disobeyed me.” (Muslim)disobeyed me.” (Muslim)

More Ahadith on the subjectMore Ahadith on the subject ““Whosoever goes away from al-Whosoever goes away from al-

Jama’ah for a short distance, then Jama’ah for a short distance, then undoubtedly he removed the undoubtedly he removed the string of Islam from his neck (i.e. string of Islam from his neck (i.e. he left Islam).” (Mishkat)he left Islam).” (Mishkat)

“”“”Whosoever departed from the Whosoever departed from the obedience (of the leader) and left obedience (of the leader) and left al-jama’ah and died, his death al-jama’ah and died, his death occurred in Jahiliyyah (i.e. out of occurred in Jahiliyyah (i.e. out of Islam. “ (Muslim)Islam. “ (Muslim)

Jama’ah work necessary for Jama’ah work necessary for successsuccess

““If one dies and there is no ring If one dies and there is no ring of bay’ah in his neck (i.e., pledge of bay’ah in his neck (i.e., pledge of obedience to the leader), he of obedience to the leader), he died in Jahiliyyah (i.e. out of died in Jahiliyyah (i.e. out of Islam).” (Muslim)Islam).” (Muslim)

DefinitionDefinition:: It is an organization of Muslims who It is an organization of Muslims who

have voluntarily and consciously have voluntarily and consciously submitted themselves to the submitted themselves to the discipline of the jamaah for discipline of the jamaah for continuous effort to maintain and continuous effort to maintain and enhance their:enhance their:

Islamic AwarenessIslamic Awareness Commitment,Commitment, Dedication, and Dedication, and Sacrifice to achieve the goal of Sacrifice to achieve the goal of

Aqamah of Deen Aqamah of Deen

Jama’ah and Al-Jama’ahJama’ah and Al-Jama’ah Al-Jama’ah is the term used in Hadith Al-Jama’ah is the term used in Hadith

and is synonymous with the words and is synonymous with the words Ummah and Hizb used in Quran.Ummah and Hizb used in Quran.

It implies the united Muslim Ummah It implies the united Muslim Ummah in a united Islamic state, governed by in a united Islamic state, governed by an elected khalifah in accordance an elected khalifah in accordance with the laws of shari’ah.with the laws of shari’ah.

As defined above, there can be only As defined above, there can be only one al-jama’ah in a given al-jama’ah in a given time.

Differences between Al Differences between Al Jama’ah and Jama’ah or Jama’ah and Jama’ah or

MovementMovement there could be more than one Islamic there could be more than one Islamic

Jama’ah or movement at one time in Jama’ah or movement at one time in order to reestablish the concept of Al order to reestablish the concept of Al Jama’ah.Jama’ah.

Jama’ah is not an alternative to al-Jama’ah is not an alternative to al-jama’ah. It is only a way to al jama’ah.jama’ah. It is only a way to al jama’ah.

Leadership of al-jama’ah (or an Islamic Leadership of al-jama’ah (or an Islamic state) has the authority to enforce state) has the authority to enforce hudood or a penal system that is hudood or a penal system that is beyond the jurisdiction of a jama’ah.beyond the jurisdiction of a jama’ah.

Al Jama’ah versus Jama’ah Al Jama’ah versus Jama’ah Being part of al-jama’ah (if one exists) is Being part of al-jama’ah (if one exists) is

a basic condition of faith (or Iman). On a basic condition of faith (or Iman). On the contrary, working with a jama’ah (or the contrary, working with a jama’ah (or Islamic movement) is important but if Islamic movement) is important but if one stays aloof, though he may be one stays aloof, though he may be neglecting an important duty, it cannot neglecting an important duty, it cannot be called called apostasy.

Jama’ah (or Islamic movement) will be Jama’ah (or Islamic movement) will be recognized by its characteristics and the recognized by its characteristics and the struggle to establish Al Islam and not just struggle to establish Al Islam and not just by its claim its claim only.

Reasons for Great Reasons for Great Emphasis on Islamic Emphasis on Islamic

Jama’ahJama’ah ““Stay with al-Jama’ah, because the Stay with al-Jama’ah, because the

wolf devours the goat that runs away wolf devours the goat that runs away (from the herd).” (Abu Dawood)(from the herd).” (Abu Dawood)

““Satan is man’s wolf, just like there is Satan is man’s wolf, just like there is goat’s wolf who hunts the goats that goat’s wolf who hunts the goats that stay aloof, or run away or are stay aloof, or run away or are separated (from the herd).” (Mishkat)separated (from the herd).” (Mishkat)

““Stay with al-Jama’ah and stay away Stay with al-Jama’ah and stay away from divisions. This is because Satan from divisions. This is because Satan is with one individual, but stays away is with one individual, but stays away from two.” (Tirmizi)from two.” (Tirmizi)

Why so much emphasis on Why so much emphasis on being a part of Jama’ah?being a part of Jama’ah?

Inability to practice appropriately Inability to practice appropriately certain Islamic injunctions without certain Islamic injunctions without Islamic Jama’ah ,e.g., Aqamah of Deen.Islamic Jama’ah ,e.g., Aqamah of Deen.

Difficult to protect against negative Difficult to protect against negative effects of the Un-Islamic environmenteffects of the Un-Islamic environment

1.1. Feeling of great uneasiness and Feeling of great uneasiness and discomfort at the initial stagediscomfort at the initial stage

2.2. Getting used to the environmentGetting used to the environment 3.3. Compromise with the environmentCompromise with the environment 4.4. Changes of valuesChanges of values

Jamah and other Jamah and other organizationsorganizations

Organizations that provide essential Organizations that provide essential services like establishing places for services like establishing places for prayer, schools, cemeteries etcprayer, schools, cemeteries etc

Organizations based on national Organizations based on national origin to cater to the particular origin to cater to the particular needs of their members and to needs of their members and to support their national their national causes.

Organizations of Muslim Organizations of Muslim professionalsprofessionals

Jamah and other Jamah and other organizationsorganizations

Organizations that have selected only Organizations that have selected only certain parts of Islam to emphasize in their certain parts of Islam to emphasize in their methodology of Islamic dawah or tabligh.methodology of Islamic dawah or tabligh.

Political organizationsPolitical organizations There are a host of groups organized with There are a host of groups organized with

common religious schools of thoughtcommon religious schools of thought By the very nature of their objectives and By the very nature of their objectives and

methodologies, none of these organizations methodologies, none of these organizations can be called true Islamic movementcan be called true Islamic movement

The relationship of an Islamic jamah with all The relationship of an Islamic jamah with all these organizations is governed by Quranic these organizations is governed by Quranic principle:principle:

Jama’ah versus sectsJama’ah versus sects Definition of a Sect or FurqahDefinition of a Sect or Furqah A sect is a group of individuals who present A sect is a group of individuals who present

themselves as a themselves as a distinct entity distinct entity due to one of the due to one of the following reasons:following reasons:

Extraordinary Extraordinary emphasis on minor issues emphasis on minor issues and in and in the details of Shari’ah when alternate opinions the details of Shari’ah when alternate opinions are also derived from Shari’ah.are also derived from Shari’ah.

Declaring others as polytheists Declaring others as polytheists and out of Islam and out of Islam when it may only be a matter of when it may only be a matter of misunderstandingmisunderstanding

Grouping around some personalities Grouping around some personalities and forming and forming personality cultspersonality cults

Grouping based on ethnic, nationalistic, or other Grouping based on ethnic, nationalistic, or other prejudicial grounds prejudicial grounds with a false sense of with a false sense of superioritysuperiority

Goal of Jama’ahGoal of Jama’ah

“Thus have we made you a community of “ middle path” so that you may be witnesses in regard to mankind and the messenger may be a witness in regard to you” Al- Baqarah 2:143

He has appointed for you the same way of life which he had ordained for Noah and which (o Muhammad) we have now revealed to you, and which we had already enjoined on Abraham and Moses and Jesus, stressing this” establish this way and be not divided in it.” Shura, 42:13

Goal of Jama’ahGoal of Jama’ah

“Now you are the best community which has been raised up

for the guidance of mankind: you enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong.

Ale-Imran 3:110

Three terms used in Quran for one goal:

1- Be witnesses to the mankind2-Aqamah of Deen.

3- Enjoining good and forbidding evil

A Few Characteristics of A Few Characteristics of IslamicMessageIslamicMessage

1-Sovereignity belongs to Allah (SWT)1-Sovereignity belongs to Allah (SWT)

SovereigntySovereignty Your guardian-Lord is Allah Who created Your guardian-Lord is Allah Who created

the heavens and the earth in six days and the heavens and the earth in six days and is firmly established on the throne (of is firmly established on the throne (of authority): He draws the night as a veil authority): He draws the night as a veil O'er the day each seeking the other in O'er the day each seeking the other in rapid succession: He created the sun the rapid succession: He created the sun the moon and the stars (all) governed by moon and the stars (all) governed by laws under His command. laws under His command. Is it not His to Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be Allah create and to govern? Blessed be Allah the cherisher the cherisher

2-Status of the Prophets2-Status of the Prophets

We sent not an Apostle but to be obeyed in accordance with the will of Allah. If they had only when they were unjust to themselves come unto thee and asked Allah's forgiveness and the Apostle had asked forgiveness for them they would have found Allah indeed Oft-Returning most Merciful. But no by thy Lord they can have no (real) Faith until they make thee judge in all disputes between them and find in their souls no resistance against thy decisions but accept them with the fullest conviction. Nisa, 7:64, 65.

3-3-Man’s Vicegerence on Man’s Vicegerence on EarthEarth

We have indeed created man in the best of molds.” (At-tin, 95:4)

• Man is appointed as the vicegerent of Allah (s.w.t) upon this planet Earth,• With the sole purpose of submitting to His Will , • As shown in the guidance sent to him from Allah (s.w.t).

4-Ideological Unity4-Ideological Unity

Verily this Brotherhood of yours is a single Brotherhood and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore serve me (and no other). Anbia 27:94

The hallmarks of this ideology are: 1-One God, Allah (s.w.t) who has no partners or sons. 2- One human family regardless of their ethnic, racial, national difference withequal rights. 3- and establishment of one Islamic society orKhilafah obedient to the commandments of Allah (s.w.t).

5-Universality of the 5-Universality of the Message and the ProgramMessage and the Program

Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion to His servant that it may be an admonition to all creatures. Furqan 25:1

An Islamic Jama’ah does not address thepeople of a certain region or country;it is a universal message. It addresses all human beings as creatures and servants of their Lord, Allah (s.w.t.). It is a message of eternal bliss to all suffering under different man made unjust systems.

6-Clarity and simplicity of 6-Clarity and simplicity of messagemessage Araaf,8:157 Araaf,8:157

6-Clarity and simplicity of 6-Clarity and simplicity of messagemessage

"Those who follow the apostle the "Those who follow the apostle the unlettered prophet whom they find unlettered prophet whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures); in the mentioned in their own (Scriptures); in the law and the Gospel; for he commands them law and the Gospel; for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil: what is just and forbids them what is evil: he allows them as lawful what is good (and he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); (and impure); He releases them from their He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon upon them. So it is those who believe in them. So it is those who believe in him honor him help him and him honor him help him and follow the light follow the light which is sent down with him it is they who which is sent down with him it is they who will prosper." Al Araaf will prosper." Al Araaf 8:1578:157

7-Unity of “worldly” and 7-Unity of “worldly” and “religious” affairs“religious” affairs

It is He Who has sent His Apostle with Guidance and the Religion of Truth that he may proclaim it over all religion even though the Pagans may detest it. Saff 61:9

Basic Organizational Basic Organizational features features

Basic Organizational Basic Organizational featuresfeatures

1-Amarah or Leadership1-Amarah or Leadership..

O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. Al Hujurat:49:13

2-Sama and Ta’ah. 2-Sama and Ta’ah. Listening and obeying the Listening and obeying the


O ye who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves refer it to Allah and His Apostle if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best and most suitable for final determination. Nisa, 4:59

3-Mutual consultation 3-Mutual consultation (Shura(Shura).).

It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them. Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted they would have broken away from about thee; so pass over (their faults) and ask for (Allah's)forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then when thou hast taken a decision put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)Ale Imran 3:159

Mutual consultation Mutual consultation (Shura)(Shura)

Those that hearken to their Lord and establish regular prayer;who (conduct) their affairs by mutual Consultation;who spend out of what We bestow on them for Sustenance. Shura 42:38

4-Accountability 4-Accountability (Muhasibah).(Muhasibah).

O ye who believe! Fear Allah and let every soul look to what (provision) he has sent forth for tomorrow. Fear Allah: for Allah is well-acquainted with (all) that ye do. Hashar 59:18

5-Akhu’wah or Mutual love 5-Akhu’wah or Mutual love and brotherhoodand brotherhood

The believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers: And fear Allah that ye may receive Mercy. Hujurat 49:10

Stages of WorkStages of Work

I- Tareef: The stage of I- Tareef: The stage of Da’wahDa’wah

In this stage, the following issues are In this stage, the following issues are brought in focus:brought in focus:

Islam is the only solution Islam is the only solution for man’s for man’s problems. Let us all submit to the problems. Let us all submit to the Guidance provided by our Creator.Guidance provided by our Creator.

Islam is comprehensive way of life Islam is comprehensive way of life to to bring true peace and justice at. bring true peace and justice at. individual, family, social and global levelindividual, family, social and global level

Let us rise above the differences Let us rise above the differences and and bring about true unity amongst the bring about true unity amongst the human beings based upon equality, human beings based upon equality, justice and mutual respect.justice and mutual respect.

Response to Islamic Response to Islamic DawahDawah

A true believerA true believer and supporterand supporter Believer, but hesitantBeliever, but hesitant Believer, hostileBeliever, hostile due to some prejudice, due to some prejudice,

misconception, or impressed by secular misconception, or impressed by secular philosophiesphilosophies

Non- MuslimsNon- Muslims. . An Islamic Movement has to develop An Islamic Movement has to develop

an effective methodology for Da’wah to an effective methodology for Da’wah to this large audience, especially in the this large audience, especially in the West. This task has to be carried out as West. This task has to be carried out as Prophet of Prophet of Allah-with understanding, Allah-with understanding, compassion, and concern.compassion, and concern.

Relations with other Islamic Relations with other Islamic OrganizationsOrganizations

Maintain close contacts Maintain close contacts with other with other Muslim groups Muslim groups

CooperateCooperate with them for the cause of with them for the cause of Islam, despite some differences on Islam, despite some differences on issues or methods. issues or methods.

Be generous Be generous dealings with them anddealings with them and Refrain from rebuking Refrain from rebuking them publicly. them publicly. The positive achievements of other The positive achievements of other

groups should be groups should be applaudedapplauded and and recognized.recognized.

II- TakweenII- Takween: Stage of : Stage of Formulation and Formulation and

Preparation of WorkersPreparation of Workers Moral and SpiritualMoral and Spiritual preparation preparation Intellectual PreparationIntellectual Preparation Brotherly Relations Brotherly Relations which include but is which include but is

not limited to :not limited to : 1) 1) Taa’ruf.Taa’ruf. In depth mutual introduction In depth mutual introduction

must be done like members of family.must be done like members of family. 2) 2) Nus’hNus’h, exchanging mutual advice, and , exchanging mutual advice, and 3) 3) TakafulTakaful, mutual support, including , mutual support, including

financial support.

III- TanfeezIII- Tanfeez: The Stage of : The Stage of Implementation and Implementation and

ExecutionExecution Efforts for Efforts for positive Social positive Social

ChangeChange: : Part and full time schools for children and youth.Health clinics, hospitals, and birth centers for the poor and needy.Shelters for homeless orphans and battered wives.Temporary hotels for new immigrants and travelers.Ambulance and funeral services.Day-care centers for the children.Zakat fund and its distribution to the poor and needy.Disaster relief, e.g. in a tornado, earthquake, or famine.Anti-drug abuse campaign.Support of other groups in the society who are struggling against particular evils. (e.g., MADD: Mothers against Drunk Drivers, etc.)

TanfeezTanfeez Hope and VisionHope and Vision Patience, Perseverance, and Patience, Perseverance, and

Constant WorkConstant Work True Jihad (Struggle)True Jihad (Struggle)

Clarifying vision, positive thinking and prudent planning.Propagation of its message by word of mouth and writingsAction. Practicing Islamic teachings in personal, family and community life.True Jihad (whole hearted struggle withsense of sacrifice) by being part of Jama’ah activities in promoting good in the society and removing evil and achieving ultimate goal of implementing Islam.

General Guidelines for General Guidelines for Jama’ah MethodologyJama’ah Methodology

ContinuityContinuity and and constancyconstancy in work in work Cohesiveness and Cohesiveness and unity of thought unity of thought

and purposeand purpose Struggle Strictly in Struggle Strictly in Accordance with Accordance with

Shari’ah’.Shari’ah’. Work sincerely for Allah (SWT) & Work sincerely for Allah (SWT) &

Free of Riya Free of Riya (Show)(Show) No desire for material No desire for material

benefits,power or thanksbenefits,power or thanks

General Guidelines for General Guidelines for Jama’ah MethodologyJama’ah Methodology

With the Tacit With the Tacit ApprovalApproval and and PlanningPlanning of the Groupof the Group

Peaceful strugglePeaceful struggle respecting the laws respecting the laws of the landof the land

Discipline and Discipline and Obedience of the Obedience of the JamaahJamaah

To be To be openopen and not secret and not secret

All thanks to Allah, The Most All thanks to Allah, The Most High Who is our Wali and High Who is our Wali and

