If I had known


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*If I had known

* I would have just say “NO!” to favour.

* I should have pursued doing what I like most

* I shouldn’t have allowed others to make decision for me.

* I should let myself experience failure

* I should love myself more than I love others

* Because I didn’t know what I should know when I was 22

*I learn now what I should advice a 22-year old

*My advice to 22 year old graduate

Listen to your heart! Have your own say!

Don’t let others rule your life!(It’s your life.)

If you don’t like what you’re doing now, leave!

Get out of your cocoon and do what you want to do.

Keep learning. Be critical, analytical and creative.

Don’t fear failure because it is your best teacher.

Don’t ever sacrifice yourself for others because it’s not worth it (They don’t care).

You may do some kind deeds but please do so moderately (You have to be kind to yourself too)

I warn you: The door that has been opened for you once won’t come again. That is a hard fact! So just grab any opportunities that come your way.

And….please do what you love. (Something that you are passionate about).

Well, grab any opportunities that come your way. The rest leaves it with the Almighty.
