Ielts essay 1


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Question: Many museums charge for admission while other are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages.


Few museums allow the free entrance, while many believe in charging small amount for entering the museum. Certainly there are more advantages to it and I would like to explain them in my below essay.

Firstly, museums are normally state owned properties and are dependent on administration for meeting all their expenses. By charging a small amount of entrance fees will help to reduce the burden on the government. For instance museums are required huge sum of amount to keep them hygiene and clean. Moreover I don’t think visitors would mind paying to visit well maintained place instead going to a dirty place at free cost.

Furthermore since the visitors will be paying enterance fees, they will be more aware of their surroundings and would bring the sense of respect for the place. It is general belief that paid entertainment is more preffered than the free ones.

In addition, the fund collected from the visitors can also be used for the expansion or beautification of the art gallery. For example they can introduce new painting, morden sculpture or they can also improve the facilities by providing free drinking water and availing more sitting arrangements for visitors.

On the other side there are certain disadvantages to it as well. If the entrance fees are higher, the average or low earning family or individual might not be able to visit. Furthermore, student who are involved into the research project, might have to visit the museums more than once and paying again and again might be annoying.

I would like to conclude my essay by saying advantages fairly overweight the disadvantages and I think it in the welfare of the community and state to charge the entrance fees for entering museums.
