Html5 - audio and video tags



Staging the addition of the html5 audio and video tags

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Rae Allen

Treat audio / video like image element

Pros• Reduce dependency on players

• Reduce code weight

• Consistent experience within browser

Cons• Not supported by all browsers

• Support is inconsistent

• Limited design changes



alt="Mike Martin“

title="Mike Martin perfoming 'Fireweed'“



<div class="player"> <div id="media_main"> <script src="" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //create a colour object to define the colors for the player. //highlightColour is the color of the bar that follows the play head. //backgroundColour is the colour of the page behind the player. //textColour is the colour of the title and the counters. /*The replace function replaces an element on the page with the cinerama player. The parameters are: (id, source, width, height, colour object, title, autoStart) id: (required) The id of the element to be replaced, usually an image element. The image will then be pulled into the player and displayed before the video is started. source: (required) This can be a single flv or h.264 mp4 file or a media rss file containing 1 or more items. If a media rss file does contain more that one item the multiClip section is automatically embedded next to the player. width: (required) The width of the video to be displayed. height: (required) The height of the video to be displayed. Note that the player will embed slightly higher that this to allow for the controlls. colour object: A javascript object defining the colours for the player (see above). title: The beginning title displayed on the player before a movie is played. If no title is supplied the script will attempt to use the alt text of the image it is replacing. autoStart: 'true' tells the player to start the video as soon as it loads. 'false' tells the player to wait for the user to initiate the video by pressing play. embedSrc: 'true' tells the player to show the embed src for the video. 'false' hides the embed Src. */ var title = "Mike%20Martin%20-%20Fireweed"; title = unescape(title); cinerama.ratings = false; = false; cinerama.geoBlock = false; cinerama.embedSrc = true; cinerama.highlightColour = "#006CD9"; cinerama.backgroundColour = "#000000"; cinerama.textColour = "#77BBFF"; cinerama.wmode = "transparent"; // Default height and widths, overwritten by css. cinerama.embedPlayer('media_main_player','',400,224,title,'false'); </script> <noscript>Javascript is currently no enabled on your browser. To view this media, please enabled Javascript in your browser setttings.</noscript> <img id="media_main_player" src="" alt="loading video" title="loading video"/></div> </div>








<script src="/local/includes/scripts/jquery/plugins/jquery.flash.js" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"></script> <script src="/local/includes/scripts/audioplayer.js" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"></script><noscript>Javascript is currently no enabled on your browser. To view this media, please enabled Javascript in your browser setttings.</noscript> <embed class="player_audio" flashvars="autoplay=false&amp;glassyplayer=true&amp;playerbgcolor=%232E2E2E&amp;volumeiconcolor=%23FFFFFF&amp;" pluginspage="" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="30" width="220"><a class="color3 mp3download" href="">Download this mp3 file</a>








mp3 ogg wav

Firefox no yes yes

Safari yes no yes

Chrome yes yes no

IE8 no no no

IE9 (beta) yes no yes

mp4 ogg/theora webm

Firefox no yes yes

Safari yes no maybe

Chrome yes yes yes

IE8 no no no

IE9 (beta) yes no maybe


begin implementing some html5 tags• Device specific use

• Browser specific use

make html5 default mode
