HTA 13 Welcome Slide



Welcome Slide for HTA Sweden study abroad portfolio

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Sweden HTA 2013

Hayley Nicole Varela


+How to make some sense of this


So as you can tell, we are the coolest kids around. This binder

will be a representation of what 18 cool kids can learn during 3

weeks abroad in Sweden. Each folder is linked to a

PowerPoint or two that you can flip through. My suggestion to

you is too click blindly until you come across a picture. As we

all know a picture is worth 1000 words so I hypothetically wrote

a novel on this trip. I had the time of my life during these three

weeks but hopefully this binder proves to you that I learned a

little something along the way!

+What I have learned

This binder is a collaboration of things I have learned and what

I have found most interesting about those things. I of course

got an education on the Swedish and American health care

systems but I also got to make comparisons about lifestyles

and priorities in these places as well. In the next few slides you

will see some highlights of the trip and a preview of the binder.


+The Slatt


+Mid Summer Dinner


We sure do love

some statues….and

Margo’s faces




+Woo Pig Sooie!

+Fika Fika!


+Last but not least…just a little reminder of what you all had

to put up with for 3 weeks.

+ So enjoy my binder! I want to thank everyone of you for an

unforgettable experience. Hope you all can enjoy a well

deserved break now that we are all home safe and sound!
