Howis youtube postmodern



A2 Media Studies student work fromTCC - Postmodernism topic.

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How is youtube postmodern?

How does it reflect a postmodern society?

Web 2.0...

Youtube destroys the distinction between film-maker and consumer.

Average members of the public can capture a film on their phone or camera and then upload it to the site. Other people (usually account holders) can comment on these videos; therefore creating an on-line community.


As well as exhibiting a whole host of videos that mock the ‘real’, the website itself is a parody of the glossy hollywood institutions.

Young, old, experienced, novice; all have a chance at producing material that can be enjoyed by the masses.


Due to the open nature of Youtube, videos from all over the world, and from different backgrounds can be watched in one collective place.

There are no set briefs or requirements so genres can range from musical to horror, to comedy and documentary.

This hybrid nature links to the film ‘24 hour party people’ which displays a number of genre codes and conventions.


eg. the opening sequence of ‘24 hour party people’ shares elements of adventure, comedy and the direct address technique usually associated with docu-dramas.

The film stock also shifts from static to handheld; putting further emphasis on the transition from genre to genre.


The hybrid nature of Youtube results in an epic example of bricolage.

Not only is there a fusion of conventions and genres; but there is also a mixture of old and new material ready to watch.

Breakdown between high art and popular culture...

Youtube has resulted in home videos running on par with professional material; no longer are the institutions sacred and perhaps this is a comment on our society today.

Youtube has fueled this breakdown in respect for natural order and hierarchy.


A key example of this breakdown is that of fred...

Home video...almost 52 million views...

Movie Trailer...worrying message on our society...

Style over substance...

Along with leveling the importance of media,Youtube has also fed our obsession with celebrities through the ‘paparazi’ style of film-making it promotes.

Again, the example of Fred comes into question...

This clip documents our growing obsession. It does not have a narrative or a meaning other than simply ‘watching’ Jennifer’s arrival at an airport. It’s a scary reality that there are so many channels like this on Youtube.

confusion over time and space...

You are able to view videos at anytime, anywhere.

The immediacy of Youtube links to everything else in our postmodern society...NOW NOW NOW!’s pretty clear from the evidence that Youtube is not only postmodern, but is actually one of the dominant factors that is DEFINING the postmodern age we are in!