How to Write Stronger Essays


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How to Write

Stronger Essays

One of the most common struggles for students is writing essays.

- Oxford Tutoring

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The following tips to make your essays shine!

TIP #1Start Early

Many StudentsTend to overlook this simple fix.

Starting early sets you up for many of the other tips that support writing stronger essays.

Two weeksGive yourself at least two weeks to work on your essay. Your grade will thank you

for it.

TIP #2Write Drafts

Don’t expectTo get it all done in one draft

Writers send drafts to colleagues, friends, and will even self edit.

A well writtenPiece will need several drafts before turning in the final assignment.

TIP #3Read it Aloud

Check forSpelling errors, word choice, or

confusing sentences.

You will hear things that your eyes will pass over while reading.

Reading aloudIs a great way to catch little issues you might have otherwise missed.

TIP #4Take Some Time Away

Sometimes We struggle to get down on

paper what we want to communicate.

Try stepping away from what you are writing for an hour, a day, or even a couple of days.

It is surprisingHow much a little space and perspective can do for your writing.

TIP #5Pay Attention to Word Choice

Often timesStudents find a word to describe what they are talking about, and

use it over and over again, wasting the expansive English


There are too many ways to communicate through the written word to stick to just a few words.

EliminateRepetitive words and replace them with other words you find in the thesaurus.

TIP #6Write a Clear Thesis Statement

The Thesis Statement

Is an essential element of your essay.

Think of your essay as a map - it give you, the writer, and the reader direction.

A+B+CUse the formula when writing a thesis statement.

A = Your Topic

B = Your Opinion on the Topic

C = Your Points of Support

TIP #7Read

One of the bestWays to become a stronger

writer is to read those that write well.

This is true for both fiction and nonfiction writing.

Your writingWill reflect what you read. So got get your nose in a good book!


These are just a few tools.Essay writing is important to master because you will find yourself having to write many essays throughout

both your high school and college career.