How to use and abuse the web to start your music career



This is a presentation that was originally made in French at SudWeb 2012.

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Uniform Motion


Renaud, illustrator

Andy, guitar-vocals

Olivier, drums-keyboards

Illustrated Indie-folk

Uniform Motion is an indie folk band combining music with visual arts with Renaud on pencils, Olivier on drums and keyboards and Andy on guitar and vocals.

2008: Uniform Motion Pictures


1 MP3

1 comicbook

2 / month

It all begins in 2008 with the launch of

Andy & Renaud decide to collaborate on a project comprising music and comics.

With the help of a fi lmmaker, a recording studio and a few musician friends, the team releases a video of a live performance, an interactive comic strip and an MP3 fi le, every 2 weeks.


The band wins a contest organized by Les Inrockuptibles, and plays its fi rst two gigs in Paris (Apple Expo, La Maroquinerie) before appearing on i>Télé (French News Channel) to discuss the novel approach

But where's the fan-base ?

You call selling less than a hundred albums a success?

The band doesn't get discouraged and starts working on a new album and some new ideas.

bandcamp & tumblr Integration

Collect email addresses

At the end of 2009, they integrate Bandcamp, a service that allows you sell CDs online with an immediate download of the album in many different digital formats, with the possibility of streaming the album in full.

The band also starts spending more time on socials networks inviting people on the mailing list to join them on Twitter and Facebook and vice versa.

2010: New website & album


Virtual Concert

2010, Uniform Motion launches a new website and releases Life, their second album, along with poster packs (1 illustration for each song) and a Virtual Concert developed in Flash.


The band gets featured on, The Stranger, College Music Journal.

Airplay on NME Radio, BBC 6music,, and some pretty good reviews

But where's the fan-base ?

Hi, I'm Bob and I live in Accrington.

OK, the band's still not hugely successful.

But the mailing list is slowly growing, they know more about their fans, especially where they're from, and their facebook page is starting to liven up.

2011: Crowdfunding

-Pressing CDs


2011 : The band turns to crowdfunding.

After recording their third album (incidentally in a sound engineering school to save money!) the band puts two songs online along with a video game and asks their fans to pre-order the record in order to help pay for Mastering and manufacturing costs

Flash Video Game

The game is pretty simple, you jump up and down trying to catch fl ying objects while listening to the song.

A month later, they had enough pre-orders to pay for the first batch of CD's and PlayButtons.

What about Vinyl!!!

Being active on social networks starts to pay off

A fan leaves them a message on facebook asking if they will release the record on vinyl. So they improvise a funding campaign using Google Docs and Bandcamp for pre-orders.


And 2 months later!

A little bit of virality doesn't hurt

Uniform Motion continues to document their adventures on their blog.

After receiving a few questions from fans on how best to support the band, they wrote an article on what streaming, digital downloads a physical formats pay. The article was republished on Techdirt,, Gizmodo, Digital Music News and Hypebot

Later, Der Spiegel, The Guardian, Forbes, BBC Radio (even MTV) discussed the article or published excerpts.

There were thousands of comments and lots of debates about Spotify.

So where's the fan-base ?

Well, the fan-base keeps growing and we know a lot more about them.

Some numbers

Beg 2010 : 100 Email addresses

End 2011 : 1 250 email addresses

2010 : 230 albums - 10 000 streams

2011 : 500 albums - 30 000 streams

Collaborative Video

In 2012, Uniform Motion continue their experiments by launching a collaborative video project where the fans can download a printable character from their last album (Little Knight) and take a photo or shoot a video with him. The band then edits a video using all the photos and video footage.

Kickstarter concerts

As kickstarter is only available to US bands, Uniform Motion sets up using Ignition Deck, a wordpress plugin. The site allows the band to organize a concert in Sweden, 2 shows in Spain, and a 9 day tour of Germany

Selling Merch

The band is rather successful at the merch table and often doubles its revenues selling customized CD's and Vinyl. Renaud draws a unique picture on each CD and this has a sort of viral effect as people tend to show their drawing to their friends. The drawing session can sometimes last longer than the gig itself!

Google+ Hangout


The band has also experimented with online concerts using Google+, and provides tutorials for fans who want to learn the songs.

They're also running a sound donation campaign for their fourth album.

Thanks for listening !