How to speak so that people want to listen (1)


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How to Speak powerfully


How to Speak so that people want to listen

Human voice is the most powerful instrument

How to Master this instrumentHow to master it?

How to make the world listen to you?

Lets start with the habits you should avoid


2) Judging

3) Negativity

4) Complaining

5) Excuses

6) Lying


Lets look at the four foundations to make our speech powerful

The power of our speech not only depends on what we say but also on how we say

We all have a tool box to make our speech powerful

So lets see what tools do we have


It adds the weight and depth to our voice

2) Timbre

It is the way your voice feels


It is the variation in our tone that we impart in our conversation


It is the speed variation that we use while speaking


It changes the way our voice sounds

6) Volume

It refers to how loud or how quietly we speak

So now whenever you need people to listen to you just keep these tools in mind and warm up your voice before speaking

This is where we are today

Comparison Slide

Item 1 Item 2

This is where we can go if we speak powerfully

Thank You

Created by Rishabh Salgia,IIT Bombay,during an internship by Prof.Sameer Mathur,IIM Lucknow
