How to Pass in Volleyball


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How to Pass a Volleyball

Volleyball can be a lot of fun!

There are many skills involved!

One of the most important skills is passing the ball!

But how do I pass the ball?

First: I should stand with my feet spread apart. They

should be about as far apart as my shoulders, and one foot should be a little bit in front of the other

This will make sure that I have good balance and don`t fall over when I pass.

Then: I can pretend I`m doing a squat This will help me stay low to the ground so it is

easier to pass the ball It is also a good workout for my legs!

Next: I put my arms out in front of me and hold my

hands together. This will keep my arms flat so that I can send the

ball anywhere I want it to go!

When the ball comes, I can use my legs to get behind the ball and let it bounce off of my arms.

Sometimes I might make mistakes….

But that`s ok!! If I do, I`ll just try again!

Volleyball is a lot of fun!