How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?


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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and

evaluation stage?

Throughout the whole project, many different forms of technology and software was used. Each software had its own unique purpose, for example different software was used for the planning and research, Evaluating feedback given, Editing the short horror film, designing my film poster and lastly designing my film review double page spread.

ResearchFirstly I will start with the various software, that I used to carry out my research and then present this information. When gathering information that later determined what genre my horror movie was going to be and what my target audience was going to be. I used two similar websites firstly I used a website called surveymonkey. This is a website that help create easy questionnaires I was then able to sent this questionnaire to different people. I then used surveymokeys own result analysis tool to then condense this information. The other website I used was called SmartSurvey. In my opinion smart survey is better out of the two, becuase once people had filled out the questionnaire. This website automatically gave accurate figures to show the results from the quesionnaire. This then helped me in the later stages of the film production.

EvaluationAt some stages during my evaluations. I used a recording software called Vacaroo. The reason why I used this instead of soundcloud, was becuase I didn't have to make a special account just to use it. There are two options that you can select while using Vacaroo. Option 1 is too record from your computer while using a microphone. Option 2 is to upload a recoding to Vacaroo. Then the website will process the recording ,then you can embed this onto your blog. When I used Vacaroo I chose option 2 for the reason that I do not have a microphone. Therefore to record my voice I recorded myself on my phone. Using the Voice recorder application.

StoryboardingWhen it came to storyboarding firstly we drew out. Individual scenes on pieces of paper. Once this was all completed, when then used a scanner, to scan these drawings in. These scan ins were then uploaded onto our blogs.

FilmingTo record our horror film we used the Panasonic HDC- TM350 camera. The features on the camera were somewhat basic. As we were filming in the dark. We thought that we could have used the flash light feature on the camera however this was not suitable. For the reason that it was not bright enough. Therefore we had to use our mobile phones. Using the flashlight application was useful as it provided much needed light. Even though this provided much needed light, in my opinion it didn't provide as much as we needed. This was evident in Dhillans Death scene as we could see that the footage looks grainy, due to the filming being done too late at night. This would have not been a problem if there was a sufficient amount of light.

EditingWhen editing the 1st draft of our short horror film. Firstly I used Windows Movie Maker, however due to its lack of features. I decided to use the specialised software called Adobe After Effects. With more and more practice I managed to understand how to use this software effectively. In addition to this by watching tutorial on the internet this further helped me, to create effective visual effects. For example by using Adobe After Effects, I was able to create a professional looking title sequence. Also by using this software I was able, to change the picture quality by using the various settings on Adobe After Effects.

PosterTo create the poster I adobe Photoshop. The reason for this was because I felt as if I can create a realistic yet professional looking poster. In addition to this because I use this software while studying graphic design. I was comfortable while using this software. I was able to use this software to edit the my main picture in many ways. For example I used the difference cloud effect. This enabled me to create the element of mist on my poster. Also I changed the opacity to create the link between the black and blue colours. Lastly using Cayans was effective as this enabled me to create the blue light in the background of the poster.

ReviewTo create the film review, I used Adobe InDesign. The reason why I used this software instead of Photoshop, was because InDesign specialises in the element of Typography. Adobe InDesign has various applications that enabled me to do things such as formatting text and paragraph positioning. These cannot be used in Photoshop. By using these applications I was able to make the text look professional and structured. In addition to this I inserted a drop cap. This also made the film review look more professional.
