Hostage Targets - Action Target Hostage Targets


DESCRIPTION ... For the full article about Hostage Targets This is a product overview one of the hostage targets from Action Target entitled "Hostage Targets - Action Target Hostage Targets." The overview discusses the Action Target PT Hostage Target and what makes it one of the best hostage targets. action target hostage

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PT HostageProduct Overview

By Action TargetThe Global Leader in Shooting Range Development™

The only thing worse than missing what you shoot at is hitting something you were not supposed to. The PT Hostage is a simple but powerful reactive steel tool that simulates a hostile threat hiding behind an innocent bystander.

To provide instant and obvious feedback to the shooter, the target plate will swing over to the opposite side each time it is hit.

The shooting surface of the PT Hostage is made of through hardened 550 Brinell steel with no exposed bolts, clamps or brackets.

If deadly force is warranted based on the situation, an officer may be forced to adjust his tactics and make the shot.

The results of that shot in a training environment will help the officer understand what actions may or may not be realistic with regards to marksmanship under stress.

Check out the PT Hostage and Action Target’s complete line of hostage targets at
