Horror powerpoint


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Genre conventions


By Emma Blake

Location- Setting

The location of which horror films are set are normally that of somewhere you would normally go. This is to make the viewer relate to the story, for example, the new film ‘Annabelle’ is set in a normal family home. By having what we feel like is a normal setting for us to live in it helps the film to slightly distort our view of the world (what's possible and what not) helping it to create the emotion of fear. Also, horror films are famously set in abandoned houses or forests to build up the suspense and the emotions of the character and view alike.

Annabelle The woman in black Cabin in the woods


The music in the film help create the correct atmosphere for the genre.

For horror the music may be more slower, darker and may almost make the viewer think something is coming even though the may not know what. Much of the music in horror films are created by long violin notes.

The sounds that may be heard in horror includes screams and crashes. In many films it goes from very quiet to create suspense and then goes very loud when a sound such as a scream comes on.

In the film ‘Woman in black’ opens with very slow and quite music to show the calmness of the clip.


The costumes in a horror are usually have very dark colors. Costumes help with setting the era of the film. Costumes can also reflect the personality of the characters. Costumes may also give clues on the characters job, status and class.

Cabin in the woods Woman in black Annabelle


Props in horror films are very important because in many circumstances it is what the story is about. In horror they often make the story about an object and the effects it has on the main character. Many of the main props are basic things people would have in their homes so they can easily relate to it.

Some examples of props used in many horror films:Dolls, Books, Knives, Religious items, puppets, Mirrors

Of course props are used for many other things such as setting the location, setting the era and setting the theme of the film.

The main prop in ‘Annabelle’The shining The strangers


Lighting helps creates atmosphere within the film.

In horror films the lighting is very dark which creates a mysterious and scary atmosphere because is plays on the thought ‘what lurks in the dark?’.

‘Woman in black’

Main Characters

The main characters in horror films are very important. It gives the audience someone to grow close to therefore creating even more fear for them during the crisis of the film.

The main character also gives a clue to the storyline e.g. their job ma be a clue to what the crisis is going to be. They may also be a clue to other things important to the film e.g. era.

Woman in black