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Rich and Terry practicing their chipping before the big game.

Bob and Tim share greetings on the practice tee.

Gregg practicing his putting and showing his love for Skamania with his attire.

Bob H., Jim R., Tim, Glen, Bob Dixon and Jim Swanson relax before their tee time.

Matt, Ray, Ryan and Randy hitting balls before the round, well at least Randy is. Ryan still texting.

Joel finding out how lonely chipping practice can be.

Jim R, Rich, Bob H, Roy and Gary getting ready on the first tee

Rookie Randy Swor getting sage advice from old veteran, Steve, on the first tee.

Steve leading the way off the first tee.

Nice swing, grasshopper.

Bob Dixon telling Derek, Larry and Tim how to play the first hole.

The 18th green at Homestead. Hey Rob did you know that Tom gets two strokes here.

Rob, Jeff and JP sharing after their round. Gregg in the corner working on his computer.

Tom, Bob and Denny eating after their round. Terry saying hi to Rich and Bob.
