Home Learning Challenge - X Race by Reece


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The nippers race

Before me,Devlin,Mum and Dad went, Flynn my little brother went with Dad and they did lots of activities the funniest one was when they did the chicken dance.When they came back they got a medal.

The X race race

When it was our turn we walked all around the lake to get ready to race. We started at the starting point then bang,we ran off and out first challenge was we had to build a lego car. When dad finished building the car Dad and Devlin helped me and mum then we ran off again.

X Race dance

We needed to run to an open space and do a dance to the Uptown funk song. It was funny because Dad danced funny to it.

The finish line

When we ran through the finish line we got a medal. We were really hot I drunk like 4 litres of water.
