Holy week 2


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By the end of the lesson•I will be able to think about how the liturgies of Holy Week celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus

The Liturgies of Holy Week

•Easter Triduum, Passion Sunday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Resurrection, Pascal Candle, Vigil

Key Words

The last few lessons we have talked about the story of Easter.Holy week is the retelling in words and actions of the last week in the life of Jesus.

Palm Leaves, Last Supper (Passover) Prayer Vigil on Thursday to represent Gethsemane Procession with the cross on Good Friday, Easter Candle (Pascal) at the Vigil. 5 thorns, alpha/omega, date.


Enthusiasm of Palm Sunday, bareness of church and empty tabernacle on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, light and music of Easter Vigil, changing of colours in the church.

Creating different moods

• Jesus is an example of service and obedience to his Father because of what he did on Good Friday.

• Continue colouring handouts for wall display. • Use the key words to produce an

A4 poster to advertise the events of Holy Week

•Easter Triduum, Passion Sunday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Resurrection, Pascal Candle, Vigil

Key Words
